Common questions

Does youtube-dl work on Windows?


Does youtube-dl work on Windows?

Youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from YouTube and a few more sites. It is not platform specific, and should work on your Linux, Windows and Mac OS X system.

Where is youtube-dl config file windows?

config/youtube-dl/config . On Windows, the user wide configuration file locations are %APPDATA%\youtube-dl\config. txt or C:\Users\\youtube-dl.

How do I specify resolution on youtube-dl?

If you don’t have ffmpeg installed, youtube-dl will by default select the highest quality format that has both audio and video. This maxes out at 720p (and is usually specified by format code 22 so you would download with -f 22 ).

How do I convert youtube to DL?

Installation: Windows YouTube-dl consists of a single executable file, youtube-dl.exe, which you can download directly. Open the project page at, and click Download. On the Download page, click the link for the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

Where is youtube-dl installed?

2. Where does Youtube-dl download YouTube files?

  1. Use the -o option with youtube-dl to manually give a location for the downloaded files: youtube-dl -o “~/Desktop/%(title)s.%(ext)s” ‘youtube file url’
  2. Create a configuration file for youtube-dl as follows: touch ~/.config/youtube-dl.conf.

How do I get the best quality youtube-dl?

5 Answers. Just use -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best for highest resulting quality available. If you wanted to prefer MP4 format containers instead of WebM, use: -f bestvideo[ext!=

Does youtube-dl Work on Netflix?

No. Netflix uses DRM, and youtube-dl will not download anything that has DRM.

What sites does YouTube-dl work on?

Supported Sites You can use youtube-dl to download videos from YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitch, DailyMotion and many more.