
How many possible outcomes are there of a section 47 Enquiry?


How many possible outcomes are there of a section 47 Enquiry?

four possible outcomes
The Section 47 Enquiry will result in one of four possible outcomes: Child protection concerns are substantiated and the child(ren) is (are) considered to be suffering, or likely to suffer, Significant Harm, in which case an Initial Child Protection Conference will be convened.

How long does a Section 47 Enquiry take?

This is usually held within 24 hours, unless a carefully planned response is needed, in which case it should take place within 15 working days, depending on the seriousness of the case in order. The purpose of the strategy meeting is to decide whether to initiate enquiries under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989.

What is a Section 47 assessment?

Section 47 investigations A Section 47 enquiry means that CSC must carry out an investigation when they have ‘reasonable cause to suspect that a child who lives, or is found, in their area is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm’1.

Is a section 47 serious?

What can happen after the investigation? This investigation might be enough to end the local authority’s concerns. However, it may be that after a section 47 investigation, it’s clear there is serious abuse. In cases of serious abuse, and in all cases of sexual abuse, the local authority will tell the police.

What is the difference between a section 17 and a section 47 referral?

Children’s Services are expected to provide help and support to children in their area as part of a continuum: Section 17 Children Act 1989 support for more complex needs. Action under section 47 if there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.

What is a Section 46 Enquiry?

If there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is suffering or is likely to suffer Significant Harm, a Section 46 Enquiry and Core Assessment are initiated. This normally occurs after an Initial Assessment and a Strategy Discussion.

Can I refuse social services assessment?

You can’t refuse a needs assessment if: you lack the capacity to refuse, and the local authority believes that it’s in your best interests to have an assessment. the local authority believes you’ve experienced abuse or neglect, or are at risk of it (see our page on safeguarding in social care).

What is a Section 17 social services?

Section 17 of the Act places a general duty on all local authorities to ‘safeguard and promote the welfare of children within their area who are in need. ‘ Basically, a ‘child in need’ is a child who needs additional support from the local authority to meet their potential.

What is the difference between a section 17 and 47 in the children’s Act?

Do Social services watch your house?

The answer is yes they can if you gave them consent. If children services thought he was a risk to them and your girls could be in immediate danger, then they would want to check that he was not hiding in your home. It sounds like they were looking for evidence of him being present there such as clothes and toothbrush.

What power do Social services have?

What are social services? Social services have a statutory obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and adults and can provide a wide range of services to children and their parents, usually within the own home environment and co-ordinated by a social worker.

What are the outcomes of a section 47 enquiry?

The Section 47 Enquiry will result in one of four possible outcomes: Child protection concerns are substantiated and the child(ren) is (are) considered to be suffering, or likely to suffer, Significant Harm , in which case an Initial Child Protection Conference will be convened.

When is a paediatric assessment for Section 47 enquiry necessary?

For further information see Child Protection Enquiries – Section 47 Children Act 1989 Procedure and Appendix 1: Paediatric Assessment for Section 47 Enquiry – flowchart. 2. When a Paediatric Assessment is Necessary

What should be included in a section 47 report?

The Record of Section 47 Enquiry and Reports to Child Protection Conferences should include the date (s) when the child was seen alone by the Lead Social Worker and, if not seen alone, who was present and the reasons for their presence.

When to give informed consent to Section 47 enquiries?

The following may give consent to a Section 47 medical assessment: A child of under 16 where a doctor considers he or she is of sufficient age and understanding to give informed consent and is Gillick Competent; The local authority when the child is the subject of a Care Order (although the parent/carer should be informed);