
Does long and McQuade do setups?


Does long and McQuade do setups?

Guitars purchased at Long & McQuade come with 1 free setup, to be redeemed within 1 year for new guitars and 90 days for used guitars. This is an opportunity to make sure that your new guitar is performing its best, and playing to your satisfaction.

How long does a guitar setup take long and McQuade?

On top of that, I found that the turnaround time for a set up is anywhere from 4-6 weeks! I have a family member who has worked at the Oshawa Long & McQuade for 15+years. I was always hesitant to have work done at stores like that, but about 9 months ago, I took my Martin there.

How much does it cost to have a guitar Refretted?

Refretting usually costs between $200 and $400, and it is worth it if you plan on playing that guitar. Especially if it is a more expensive one. Refretting cheaper guitars might not be a good idea since the whole procedure can cost more than you paid for the instrument.

How much should a guitar setup cost?

The price will vary by region and by how much work the guitar or bass needs. Generally speaking, a professional setup costs around $50, but it could be upwards of $100 if there’s a lot of work to be done. New strings are usually part of the setup process, since the gauges of the strings affect intonation.

How much does it cost to PLEK a guitar?

Plek (includes setup) $250
Plek with bone nut upgrade (includes setup) $300
Plek with Graph Tech nut upgrade (includes setup) $300

What tools does a luthier use?

Fretting Tools

  • 1 – Large Fret Leveler – Pat Lantz – [email protected].
  • 2 – Fret Cutters – Stew Mac – LINK.
  • 3 – Small Fret Leveler – Pat Lantz – [email protected].
  • 4 – Small Fret End File – Stew Mac – LINK.
  • 5 – Nut Files – LIM – LINK.
  • 6 – Fret Tang Cutters – Stew Mac – LINK.

Is it hard to Refret a guitar?

Performing a complete refret job is about as big as a job can be in guitar lutherie – but don’t let that scare you away. If it’s done poorly, you can usually salvage the job by pulling the frets again and giving it another try. It’s an extremely valuable skill to have, and the core requirement for a perfect action.

Is a guitar setup worth it?

I’ve found that my playing benefits from the improvements that a quality setup can bring to an instrument. A pro setup really establishes a baseline for the capabilities of an instrument. A professional technician has done it for years.