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How do I retarget a solution in Visual Studio 2015?


How do I retarget a solution in Visual Studio 2015?

3 Answers

  1. Right click on the project in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Click on “Properties”
  3. Navigate to “Configuration properties”
  4. Click on the “General” option below “Configuration properties”
  5. Change “Platform toolset” to Visual Studio 2015 (v140)

How do I retarget a project in Visual Studio?

Retarget the solution, which is literally a two-click process:

  1. Open the Solution in Visual Studio 2019 and right click on the solution head.
  2. Select “Retarget” and click OK.

Is Visual Studio backwards compatible?

Projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2017, but are not backwards compatible. You can open this project in Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1.

How do I update Visual Studio project?

In Visual Studio

  1. From the menu bar, choose Help, and then choose Check for Updates. You can also use the search box in the IDE to check for updates.
  2. In the Update available dialog box, choose Update. Visual Studio updates, closes, and then reopens.

What is target framework in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, you can specify the version of . NET that you want your project to target. Framework targeting helps guarantee that the application uses only functionality that is available in the specified framework version. A Visual Studio solution can contain projects that target different versions of .

Can I have 2 versions of Visual Studio installed?

Yes you can install multiple versions of Visual studio side by side.

How do I completely uninstall Visual Studio 2015?

Uninstall Visual Studio 2015

  1. In Control Panel, on the Programs and Features page, choose the product edition that you want to uninstall, and then choose Change.
  2. In the Setup wizard, choose Uninstall, choose Yes, and then follow the remaining instructions in the wizard.

What is difference between .NET core and .NET framework?

Net Core does not support desktop application development and it rather focuses on the web, windows mobile, and windows store. Net Framework is used for the development of both desktop and web applications as well as it supports windows forms and WPF applications.

Where to find retarget solution in Visual Studio 2015?

If you open a vcxproj file in Visual Studio 2015, Go to project properties -> General settings. you’ll see that there is a PlatformToolset property. For Visual Studio 2015, it is v140 ; For Visual Studio 2010, it is v100 .

How to change platform toolset in Visual Studio 2015?

Change the Platform Toolset to Visual Studio 2015 (Platform Toolset = ‘v140’). You may then be able to build from command line and from VS editor as well ( beware, upgrading solution doesn’t not guarantee that solution will build fine .) You can set PlatformToolset without changing vcxproj file.

How to upgrade vs enterprise to Visual Studio 2015?

As of this morning my VS Enterprise is 14.0.23107.0 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 is 14.0.25420.1 An alternative to hand-editing the .sln file or re-saving on top of the original .sln file: The solution will now be upgraded. I ran across this looking for the same thing.

What’s the latest version of Visual Studio 2015?

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 is 14.0.25420.1 An alternative to hand-editing the .sln file or re-saving on top of the original .sln file: The solution will now be upgraded. I ran across this looking for the same thing. The accepted answer works, but I noticed some comments about not being batchable.