Common questions

How do I test my DJI battery?


How do I test my DJI battery?

On some models of DJI drones you can hold down the battery button for five seconds to get an indicator to show the battery health and you can also monitor things like how easily it holds and discharges its energy and monitor things like overheating during charging and discharging.

How do you fully discharge a DJI battery?

Charge and Discharge Instructions:

  1. Charge the battery to 100% and leave the battery stationary for more than 24 hours.
  2. Install the battery into the aircraft.
  3. Leave the battery stationary for more than six hours.
  4. Check cell voltage.
  5. Charge the battery to 100% power level.
  6. Repeat the above steps 1-4.

How do I know if my DJI battery is bad?

Basically hold the battery button until it flashes then it will show solid green bars for a good battery or it will show a blinking cell if it is damaged.

How do I check my DJI Phantom battery health?

Press and hold the battery power button for five seconds and the led array will light up and tell you how much life remains in the battery as indicated below. Then use the GO4 App as confirmation… Great information, thank you!

How do I know if my phantom 4 battery is healthy?

It’s in the advanced section of the battery info in the app – the drone will need to be on and connected to the RC/app to view the info. Hi, thanks for the inquiry. You may check these details under the battery settings of your DJI GO 4 app.

How long does DJI battery last?

The typical estimated life of a Lithium-Ion battery is about two to three years or 300 to 500 charge cycles, whichever occurs first. One charge cycle is a period of use from fully charged, to fully discharged, and fully recharged again.

Can you fly with DJI drone batteries?

Only the battery inside your drone is allowed in checked baggage. Pack spare batteries in your carry-on instead, and make sure they are inside their original packaging, a battery case, or a separate pouch or pocket.

How do I wake up my DJI battery?

The main point with waking up a hibernating battery is that the switch on and leave for 5 minutes is the key. That must be done on EVERY attempt before connecting to charger.

How do you drain a DJI Phantom battery?

Just put the battery in the copter turn it on and wait until it dies. The batteries firmware will automaticall y discharge batteries after 10 days if not used. No need to do anything, unless for some reason you want to discharge to 8%, then turn on and wait for 1 hour(approx) to discharge.

How long does Phantom 4 battery last?

DJI claims a battery life of about 28 minutes, but we found that about 25 minutes was a more consistent average.

What’s the best way to discharge a DJI battery?

Take a new or an old pair of props, cut them down to 1/3 to 1/2 length, and balance them. Balance them on a small rod or pencil, nip off till they are close to level. Don’t need to be perfect for this. Confirm that the bird will not take off with them with a flight trial outside.

Can a phantom battery be discharged to 0%?

GaryDZ, you won’t discharge your battery to 0% if you run it in the Phantom until it’s dead. The only way to discharge it to 0% would be to connect some time of third party discharger to the battery. tonyphantom147. Posted at 2015-2-8 04:24

Is there a way to discharge a P2 battery?

Even a third party charger/discharger cannot discharge the P2 battery completely due to the protection circuit. You’d have to crack open the casing and connect directly to the cells to achieve that . From what I understand, there are several aspects to this.