
How do you care for a sigmoid colostomy?


How do you care for a sigmoid colostomy?

Caring for a Colostomy

  1. Use the right size pouch and skin barrier opening.
  2. Change the pouching system regularly to avoid leaks and skin irritation.
  3. Be careful when pulling the pouching system away from the skin and don’t remove it more than once a day unless there’s a problem.
  4. Clean the skin around the stoma with water.

What is a sigmoid colostomy?

A sigmoid colostomy (Figure 7) is the most common type of colostomy. It’s made in the sigmoid colon, and located just a few inches lower than a descending colostomy. Because there’s more working colon, it may put out solid stool on a more regular schedule.

Can you eat a normal diet with a colostomy?

Your doctor or stoma nurse will be able to advise you when you can go back to a normal diet. As you recover, you can start to eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. You should be able to return to the diet you previously enjoyed.

How much water should I drink with a colostomy?

Aim to drink 8 to 10 (8-ounce) glasses (about 2 liters) of liquids every day. Don’t drink more than 4 ounces (½ cup) of liquids with meals. Don’t drink any liquids for 1 hour before and 1 hour after meals. This helps make your bowel movements bulkier.

What is the diet After colostomy surgery?

Diet After Surgery. Typically, a person will receive only IV fluids for two to three days after a colectomy or colostomy, to give the colon time to heal. After that, you can try clear liquids, such as soup broth and juice, followed by easy-to-digest foods, such as toast and oatmeal. You will be able to go back to your normal diet after this,…

What are the side effects of sigmoid colon removal?

Side effects of sigmoid colon removal include: Irregular bowel movements. Gas and flatulence. Diarrhea. Bladder complications. Complications in or around the stoma . These can occur early after surgery to many years after the procedure. They include skin infection or breakdown, hernias, narrowing of the stoma, bleeding, and collapse.

What is the best diet after bowel surgery?

Soft Foods. Post-surgery, your diet will consist mostly of soft, easily digestible foods to avoid irritation of the bowels. Good food choices include yogurt, cottage cheese, soup, rice, pasta, eggs, tender cuts of meat, peanut butter, cooked vegetables, soft fruit, ice cream, gelatin and pudding.

What are the best foods to prevent colon cancer?

Studies linking fruits and veggies to preventing colon cancer have been mixed, but cancer organizations recommend them as part of a healthy diet. Your best bets include broccoli, cabbage, and vitamin-C rich fruits like oranges.