Common questions

How do you highlight achievements in a cover letter?

How do you highlight achievements in a cover letter?

Mention how your qualifications match the job you are applying for. Highlight your most relevant experience and accomplishments. Show the employer why you’re a great match. Be selective: you don’t need to include every skill and achievement, no matter how impressive they might be.

How do you get a job at McKinsey?

Study smart. McKinsey is known for being the first major management consulting firm to recruit employees straight out of college. Get comfortable. Once a candidate has earned an interview at McKinsey, they follow the firm’s meticulously crafted hiring process. Analyze and speak up. Show off.

Can you get into McKinsey with a low GPA?

At McKinsey, BCG or Bain, a candidate should have at least 3.6 GPA to insure against any doubts about academic achievements. However, lower GPAs do not automatically disqualify a candidate; a 3.2-GPA resume can still pass to the next round if it shows outstanding achievements elsewhere.

How many hours do you work at McKinsey?

Those projects are really interesting to work on because you go really deep in 2 weeks on whatever you’re doing but it’s not a pace that you want to sustain for too long. Generally speaking though, it was usually a 60-70 hour working week.

Is consulting stressful?

But what can start as a dream job can turn into a nightmare. Yes, life as a consultant can be stressful. And stress can lead to many negative consequences, private as well as health wise. Consultants have weeks of 50/60 hours of work while normal workers enjoy 40 hours weeks.

Why are consultants paid so much?

A classic reason why consultants may be highly paid is that consultants may value price their services (or at least charge a premium to reflect value).

Why do consultants fail?

Potential Fails The right consultants have a process for developing new areas of expertise, and when needed bring in outside consultants to provide potential clients optimal service. A less experienced consultant might slip and overstate capabilities due to need, greed, passion or naivety.