Common questions

How do you pronounce days of the week?

How do you pronounce days of the week?

How to say days of the week, months and dates in English?

  1. ⦿ Monday – /’mun.dei/
  2. ⦿ Tuesday – /’tiu:z.dei/
  3. ⦿ Wednesday – /’wenz.dei/
  4. ⦿ Thursday – /’thurz.dei/
  5. ⦿ Friday – /’frai.dei/
  6. ⦿ Saturday – /’sa.ta.dei/
  7. ⦿ Sunday – /’sun.dei/
  8. – I work from Monday to Friday. I’m free on Saturday and Sunday.

How do you abbreviate days of the week in Spanish?

What Are the Days of the Week in Spanish?

  1. lunes — Monday.
  2. martes — Tuesday.
  3. miércoles — Wednesday.
  4. jueves — Thursday.
  5. viernes — Friday.
  6. sábado — Saturday.
  7. domingo — Sunday.

What two days of the week have accent marks in Spanish?

Spanish Days

Monday lunes loo-nays
Wednesday miércoles mee-air-coh-lays
Thursday jueves hway-bays
Friday viernes bee-air-nays
Saturday sábado sah-bah-doh

How many days of the week have accent marks in Spanish?

How do you say the week in Spanish?

The word for “week” in Spanish is “semana.”. If you want to write “the weekend,” you would write “el fin de semana.”. Refer to “this week” as “esta semana” and “last week” as “la semana pasada.”. If you want to write about “next week,” use the phrase “la semana que viene,” which literally translated means “the week that comes.”.

What are the days of the week in Spanish?

List of Days of the week in Spanish lunes (Monday) martes (Tuesday) miércoles (Wednesday) jueves (Thursday) viernes (Friday) sábado (Saturday) domingo (Sunday)

Are days of the week in Spanish capitalized?

No, in Spanish you do not capitalize the days of the week. The same happens with languages: we write español and inglés, but in English they are capitalized.

Are all days in Spanish capitalized?

days of the week

  • months
  • languages
  • nationalities
  • religions
  • the first word in geographical names