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How do you show section lines in Solidworks?


How do you show section lines in Solidworks?

To hide the cutting line in the parent view, right-click on either the cutting line or the section view and click Hide Section Line. To show a hidden cutting line, right-click on the section view and click Show Section Line.

How do I change the properties of a line in Solidworks?

To change the properties of an individual line in the rectangle: In an open sketch, select the line and edit the properties in the Line Properties PropertyManager.

How do I create a custom section view in Solidworks?

Creating a Section View Manually

  1. Click Section View. (Drawing toolbar), or Insert > Drawing View > Section.
  2. To create a section view manually, click Edit sketch to display the Insert Line PropertyManager.
  3. Sketch a section line.
  4. Click to place the view.

How do you move a section view arrow in Solidworks?

When you create a view letter attached to a view arrow, such as an auxiliary view or projected view, you can move the view letter. This is similar to moving the view letter in a section view. To move a view arrow letter: Select the arrow and drag the letter.

How do you do a section view?

A full section view is generated by running the cutting plane through the entire length of the object being sectioned.

  1. Click Layout tab Create View panel Section drop-down Full.
  2. Click the view you want to use as the parent view.
  3. Click in the drawing area to indicate the start point of the section line.

How do you crop a section view in Solidworks?

To crop a view:

  1. In a drawing view, sketch a closed profile such as a circle.
  2. Click Crop View. (Drawing toolbar), or click Insert > Drawing View > Crop. The view outside the profile disappears. A circle is drawn on this Section View. After cropping, only the view inside the circle is displayed.

How do you change line thickness in Solidworks 2020?

To set line thickness:

  1. Click File > Print.
  2. In the dialog box, under Document Options, click Line Thickness.
  3. In Line thickness print settings, type a value for the line weights (Thin, Normal, Thick, and five additional line thickness settings).
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Print dialog box and print the document.

How do you make a line thicker in Solidworks?

To assign line thickness or style:

  1. Click Options (Standard toolbar) and select the Document Properties tab.
  2. Set style and thickness for the following: All dimension leaders. All annotation leaders. Frames for geometric tolerances, balloons, and datums. Style. Thickness.

How do you change the size of a section view in Solidworks?

Editing Existing Section Views with Section View Assist

  1. Right-click on an existing section view or its cutting line and click Edit Cutting Line. For some complex section views created with SOLIDWORKS 2013, you must select an insertion point before you can modify them.
  2. On the Section view pop-up, click an offset.
  3. Click .

How do you rotate a section view in Solidworks?

To rotate a drawing view around its center point:

  1. Click Rotate View. (View toolbar), or right-click the view and select Zoom/Pan/Rotate > Rotate View.
  2. Do one of the following: Drag the view to the desired rotation.
  3. Set options, then click Apply:
  4. Click Close to close the dialog box.

How do I change the section view in SolidWorks?

By double-clicking the drawing view, you ensure that the line or lines belong to the view. With the line or lines selected, click Insert > Make Section Line. Select the section line. The Section View PropertyManager appears. Make any changes in the PropertyManager. Click Section View and place the view.

How do you make a section line in SolidWorks?

Double-click a drawing view and sketch a line (or multiple lines for an aligned section view) in the view. By double-clicking the drawing view, you ensure that the line or lines belong to the view. With the line or lines selected, click Insert > Make Section Line. Select the section line.

How to change the section line in drawing?

You can make changes to a Section View or Aligned Section View in a drawing by editing the section line properties. You can set these properties before, during, or after creating the section view. To modify a section line before creating the view:

How to change the section view in Adobe Photoshop?

Select the section line or section view. The Section View PropertyManager appears. Make any changes in the PropertyManager or in the graphics area and click . If you edit the section line in the graphics area, you may have to click Rebuild (Standard toolbar) or click Edit > Rebuild to update the drawing view.