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Is Spacemacs any good?


Is Spacemacs any good?

I used Spacemacs for two weeks at work as my main editor. The Vim layer was great for my normal Vim editing and movement commands, so I was happy with that side of things. The file and project management features are full-featured and fast, I felt comfortable using them almost right away.

What is Emacs Spacemacs?

Spacemacs is a configuration framework for GNU Emacs. It can take advantage of all of GNU Emacs’ features, including both graphical and command-line user interfaces, and being executable under X Window System and within a Unix shell terminal.

Should I start with Spacemacs?

Since your goal is evil-mode, I recommend you to start with spacemacs. While evil provides a very good modal editing experience, it does not (AFAIK) handle special modes like magit, dired etc. These modes are usually built by and for emacs users and thus they use emacs key bindings for the different commands.

What is doom Emacs?

Doom is a configuration framework for GNU Emacs tailored for Emacs bankruptcy veterans who want less framework in their frameworks, a modicum of stability (and reproducibility) from their package manager, and the performance of a hand rolled config (or better).

Is spacemacs better than Emacs?

Emacs can be classified as a tool in the “Text Editor” category, while Spacemacs is grouped under “Tools for Text Editors”. Some of the features offered by Emacs are: Content-sensitive editing modes, including syntax coloring, for a variety of file types including plain text, source code, and HTML.

What are spacemacs layers?

Spacemacs layers list

  • Description.
  • Chats. 2.1. ERC. 2.2. Jabber. 2.3. RCIRC.
  • Checkers. 3.1. Spell Checking. 3.2. Syntax Checking.
  • Completion. 4.1. Auto-completion. 4.2. Compleseus. 4.3. Helm.
  • E-mail. 5.1. Gnus. 5.2. Mu4e. 5.3.
  • Emacs. 6.1. Better Defaults. 6.2. Helpful. 6.3.
  • File trees. 7.1. Neotree. 7.2. Treemacs.
  • Fonts. 8.1. Unicode-fonts.

What key is SPC?

SPC is the space key — the big one at the bottom of the keyboard (mellemrumstasten på dansk).

Is vim the best text editor?

Vim is the best text editor/IDE out there. Vim is one of the most popular programming editors out there. It’s loved by geeks for its speed, extensive feature set, and flexibility. Vim is very powerful, and very efficient.

What IDE does Google use?

Developers in Google are allowed to pick whatever IDE they feel most comfortable in. They are even allowed to pick which OS they feel most comfortable in. So it ranges from anything from Vi to Emacs to NetBeans to Eclipse to Visual Studio.

How do I start Spacemacs?

Spacemacs is a beginner-friendly and powerful extension of a popular text editor called Emacs. To install Spacemacs you need to first install base Emacs and then download the Spacemacs extension files, which is most easily done by using a program called Git.

Which is the best text editor Emacs or Spacemacs?

Slant is powered by a community that helps you make informed decisions. Tell us what you’re passionate about to get your personalized feed and help others. Let’s go! When comparing Emacs vs Spacemacs, the Slant community recommends Spacemacs for most people. In the question “What are the best programming text editors?”

Which is the best Emacs distribution to use?

There were few distributions providing this kind of full Vim-like using experience out there. Spacemacs did this by providing the evilifymacros and automatically bind as many Vim keybindings as possible. Spacemacs had and still has the best documentations for learning Emacs, evil-mode, writing layers.

Which is better for Vim Emacs or Spacemacs?

Spacemacs did this by providing the evilifymacros and automatically bind as many Vim keybindings as possible. Spacemacs had and still has the best documentations for learning Emacs, evil-mode, writing layers. Why I’m leaving Spacemacs Spacemacs is getting overwhelmed by more and more users.

Is there such a thing as Doom Emacs?

As it’s said in its description, doom-emacs is an Emacs configuration for the stubborn martian vimmer. For example, +evil*fix-dabbrev-in-minibuffermakes the evil ex commands auto completion behavior more likes vim.