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Is the word inspite one word?


Is the word inspite one word?

It is true that “inspite” is not a word. The difference between “in spite of” and “despite” is more in connotation than in efficiency: “In spite of” usually connotes a degree of contempt or rebellion.

Is in spite of grammatically correct?

After in spite of and despite, we use a noun, gerund (-ing form of a verb) or a pronoun. They never made much money, in spite of their success. In spite of the pain in his leg, he completed the marathon.

How do you use inspite and despite in a sentence?

We usually use in spite of and despite with a noun:

  1. He got the job in spite of his prison record.
  2. John’s company is doing extremely well despite the recession.
  3. He was very fast in spite of being terribly overweight.
  4. They arrived late despite leaving in plenty of time.

Whats the meaning of Inspite?

Regardless of, in defiance of, as in They kept on in spite of their fears. [

How is in spite written?

In spite of is written as three separate words. We never use of with despite: They enjoyed the rides in spite of the long queues.

How do we use despite?

We use despite / in spite of to express that something is unexpected or surprising. Despite the heavy traffic, we got there on time. Despite being much older than the others, he won the race. Despite and in spite of can be followed by a noun or verb.

Is it correct to say despite of?

Remember that despite is never followed by ‘of’. Don’t say ‘despite of something’, say despite something: Note that in spite has a similar meaning but is always followed by ‘of’:

What is despite in grammar?

Despite and in spite of have the same meaning and are prepositions. We use despite / in spite of to express that something is unexpected or surprising. Despite the heavy traffic, we got there on time. Despite being much older than the others, he won the race. Despite and in spite of can be followed by a noun or verb.

What are gerunds English grammar?

A gerund is a noun made from a verb root plus ing (a present participle). A whole gerund phrase functions in a sentence just like a noun, and can act as a subject, an object, or a predicate nominative.

Where is inspite and despite used?

If ‘in spite of’ and ‘despite’ are used in front of the phrase ‘the fact that’ then they can be used with a subject and a verb: In spite of the fact that he studied very hard, he still didn’t pass the exam. Despite the fact that it rained we still had a great time. ‘even though’ can be used the same way as ‘although’.

What is the meaning of in spite of?

in spite of (oneself) 1. Despite one’s own foibles, mistakes, or flaws. Somehow the Eagles managed to pull off a victory in spite of themselves. I knocked over my drink and called her the wrong name at one point, but all in all, I think the date went well in spite of myself. 2. Despite or against one’s desire or intention.

What is the meaning of Despite and inspite?

Despite and in spite of are prepositions that each mean unaffected by something . They are mostly interchangeable- despite has been more popular since around 1960. Despite is a better choice for formal writing, where economy of words is important.

What does in spite mean?

in spite of : in defiance or contempt of : without being prevented by succeeded in spite of their opposition : a desire to harm, anger, or defeat another person especially because you feel that you have been treated wrongly in some way : to deliberately annoy, upset, or hurt (someone)

What does inspite mean?

The word ‘inspite’ means the same as that of ‘despite’; most commonly it is used along with ‘of’, such as commonly ‘inspite of’. The term ‘inspite of’ is generally used to denote a degree of contempt or rebellion. Similar to ‘despite’, even ‘inspite’ is used as a noun or pronoun,…