Common questions

Is there an auction house in Old Dalaran?


Is there an auction house in Old Dalaran?

Is there an auction house in Dalaran? There is not. If you want an auction house, portal. They are not adding auction houses to shattrath or Dalaran because aside from class trainers it’s the only think people use the old cities for.

Where are the auction houses in wow?


  • Orgrimmar in Durotar.
  • Thunder Bluff in Mulgore.
  • Undercity in Tirisfal Glades.
  • Silvermoon City in Eversong Woods.
  • Shattrath.
  • Dalaran in Crystalsong Forest.
  • Shrine of Two Moons in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
  • Frostwall in Frostfire Ridge.

Where is the auction house for horde?

Horde Auction House Locations The Auction House in Orgrimmar is located just inside the city from the Durotar entrance. You will find it on the right of the Valley of honor.

Is there Auction House in Oribos?

Unfortunately, there is no auction house in Oribos unless your character is an engineer. If you aren’t an engineer, you’ll have to travel back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar to sell your items, or you’ll need to hope that there is someone with a Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount up.

Why isn’t there an auction house in Oribos?

Is there an auction house in Boralus?

Lemptheby’s Auction House is located in Hook Point in Boralus. It is run by Lincoln J. Lemptheby.

Where is the auction house in Orgrimmar?

Valley of Strength
is one of several auction houses in Orgrimmar, this one located in the Valley of Strength, and is considered the main Auction House for most Horde players.

Is there an auction house in Bastion?

Unfortunately, there is no auction house in Oribos unless your character is an engineer.

Is there an auction house in orbus?

The Auction House is set up within both Highsteppe and the Player Home. To search for, bid on, and purchase items, you can go to either location. To place items up for bid or to obtain your purchased items, earned dram, or dram from being outbid, you will need to be in your Player Home.

Where is the auction house in Dalaran / new Dalaran?

Engineering Auction House in Legion Dalaran/New Dalaran If your character is an Engineer, you do have access to an Auction House in Legion Dalaran. The Dalaran Engineering Auction House, the Brassbolt Mechawrench Steam-Powered Auctioneer, is located in the Like Clockwork Engineering Shop found at the coordinates 38.52, 27.49.

Is there an Ah version of Dalaran in Legion?

You’re probably thinking of the Northrend version of Dalaran. In Legion (and in BfA) the AH access is limited to Engineers in the main city (Dalaran and Boralus). ah ok thanx.

How to get the new Dalaran Ah robot?

In order for a new toon that chooses engineering to use the New Dalaran AH robot, you have to do the first quest offered, get the item and bring it to the engineering trainer in New Dal.