
What category is Mylanta in pregnancy?

What category is Mylanta in pregnancy? OTC Antacids, Simethicone, and H2-Receptor Selective Antihistamines in Pregnancy Drug name FDA pregnancy risk classification Drug class Simethicone (Mylanta

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Does Dartmouth require GRE?

Does Dartmouth require GRE? The Dartmouth Institute is making the submission of GRE scores optional for all candidates applying to our MPH and MS programs.

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Who makes Super Chexx?

Who makes Super Chexx? Innovative Concepts in Entertainment, Inc. Super Chexx® is a table hockey arcade game manufactured by Innovative Concepts in Entertainment, Inc. (ICE)


What is genset running?

What is genset running? Diesel generator set The packaged combination of a diesel engine, a generator and various ancillary devices (such as base, canopy, sound