
What are physical properties in forensic science?


What are physical properties in forensic science?

Physical properties are properties that can be measured without chang- ing the identity of the evidence. For example, when forensic scientists cal- culate the density of glass, they divide the mass of the glass by its volume. Measuring mass and volume does not affect the chemical makeup of the glass.

What are the five areas of forensic science?

Forensic science is a broad field and diverges into six primary areas:

  • Forensic anthropology.
  • Forensic engineering.
  • Forensic odontology.
  • Forensic pathology.
  • Forensic entomology.
  • Toxicology.

What techniques are used in forensic science?

Traditional forensic analysis methods include the following:

  • Chromatography, spectroscopy, hair and fiber analysis, and serology (such as DNA examination)
  • Pathology, anthropology, odontology, toxicology, structural engineering, and examination of questionable documents.

What are physical and chemical properties in forensic science?

Physical properties include: magnetic attraction, density, boiling point, freezing point, melting point, solubility, color, and odor. Chemical properties include: flammability, pH, and reactivity with water. All matter can be broken down into atoms, which are the simplest units of chemical importance.

What are the application of forensic science?

Forensic science is applied for the following purposes: Securing and recording the scene of the crime. Collection and preservation of potential pieces of evidence. Establishing the identity of the criminal and victim.

How does forensic science work at a crime scene?

It also involves the reconstruction of such events by evaluation of the physical evidence and the crime scene. Criminalists, usually called “forensic scientists,” analyze evidence such as body fluids in order to determine if DNA in those fluids matches blood found at a crime scene ( see DNA fingerprinting ).

How does physical anthropology relate to forensic science?

A large part of physical anthropology deals with skeletal biology, which includes bone and bone system structures and their relationships to characteristics such as gender, age, race, socioeconomic status, and so forth. That knowledge can be applied to the examination of characteristics of skeletal remains that are part of a crime scene.

How are physical evidences classified in forensic science?

There are various classifications of Physical Evidences, I am discussing here two major classification (below). However, physical evidences can be classified in may other ways. 1.Any temptation of picking up an article immediately on arrival at the scene is to be avoided. 2.They will be collected only after the initial search and the recording.

What are the types of Forensic Science at National University?

The Master of Forensic Sciences at National University offers a specialization in criminalistics, which includes courses in trace evidence, advanced forensic toxicology, advanced forensic serology, and forensic anthropology. Today, law enforcement and labs are dealing with crimes (and, thus, evidence) that didn’t exist decades ago.