What are the features of Wikimapia?
What are the features of Wikimapia?
Wikimapia is a multilingual open-content collaborative map, where anyone can create place tags and share their knowledge. Our goal is to describe the whole world by compiling as much useful information about all geographical objects as possible, organize it and provide free access to our data for public domain.
What is the purpose of Wikimapia?
The goal of Wikimapia is to create and maintain a free, complete, multilingual and up-to-date map of the whole world by compiling as much useful information about all geographical objects as possible whilst enabling free access to our data for public domain.
What type of map is Wikimapia?
The Wikimapia website provides a Google Maps API-based interactive web map that consists of user-generated information layered on top of Google Maps satellite imagery and other resources. The navigation interface provides scroll and zoom functionality similar to that of Google Maps.
How do you add a place on Wikimapia?
Adding a place is easy; just select ‘Edit map’ on the menu bar and then select ‘Add a place’ from the pull-down menu.
How often is wikimapia updated?
Every month Google updates their satellite imagery and as a result the outline positions of some Wikimapia objects become out of sync. This phenomena is also known to our users as map shifting.
How do you edit on Wikimapia?
Firstly, you can select ‘Menu’ > ‘Add another language’ in a place window, or you can select ‘edit info in other language >>’ in a place object’s edit window. Choose your desired language from the list of over a hundred choices available and proceed to add your language as normal.
How do I delete an address from Wikimapia?
To delete a place object, select ‘Menu’ > ‘Delete place’ in the place object’s window. You will be prompted to choose a deletion reason; it is important to note that you are obligated to confirm deletion only for the reason chosen. The place object will enter a deletion period, after which it shall be deleted.