Common questions

What is a cavity tooth?


What is a cavity tooth?

Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks and not cleaning your teeth well.

Can a cavity tooth be saved?

The first line of defense is a filling, but if the tooth decay is serious you may need a root canal. But you can only do this if the root is still healthy. If not, there is no choice but to extract the rotten tooth. With a root canal, the dentist will drill down the tooth to clean out the decay.

Can cavity be cured?

Although the early stages of tooth decay can be reversed, cavities don’t heal naturally. According to the Mayo Clinic, professional fluoride treatments can repair weakened enamel and reverse a cavity in its earliest stages.

What is a cavity between teeth called?

A cavity between two teeth – whether between two molars or other teeth – is known as an interproximal cavity. If you have ever had a cavity, the chances are you have had an interproximal cavity. Interproximal cavities form just like any other because of the wearing away of the enamel on one or more teeth.

What is inside a tooth cavity?

A cavity is a hole in a tooth that develops from tooth decay. Cavities form when acids in the mouth wear down, or erode, a tooth’s hard outer layer (enamel). Anyone can get a cavity. Proper brushing, flossing and dental cleanings can prevent cavities (sometimes called dental caries).

What foods cause cavities?

What Foods Cause Cavities?

  • Chewy Candy. Eating lots of sugar is bad for oral health, and candies are full of it, making them one of the most common foods that are bad for your teeth.
  • Starchy Snacks.
  • Citrus Fruits and Sugary Juices.
  • Sweet Treats.

Can you get rid of a cavity without a filling?

In short, the answer is no. Dental fillings are used to treat cavities because a dentist tends to want to remove the decayed part (the cavity) and fill it to stop any further damage from occurring. While there aren’t ways to remove a cavity without using a filling, there are ways almost to reverse the decay.

What does a tooth cavity feel like?

The pain might be fairly mild or it might be sharp and intense. You may feel pain when you bite down. Cavities sometimes create visible holes in the teeth. Cavities may create stains that are black, brown or white on the surface of the tooth.

What is the difference between an infected tooth and a cavity?

A cavity is a hole in the tooth caused by decay. This is usually repairable by removing the decay and restoring the tooth with a filling or a crown. An infected tooth is an infection of the nerve of the tooth. This is usually caused by deep, untreated decay, but can also be caused by trauma, like a blow to the tooth.

What does a tooth cavity look like?

Cavities vary greatly in appearance. In general, however, they appear as small holes, chips or dark spots on teeth. The holes can be as small as dots or as large as the entire tooth. Sometimes they look brown, yellow or black.

What causes a cavity on the side of a tooth?

As with the normal cavity, the cavity occurrence on the side of your tooth results from two primary causes- high sugar/starch diet and presence of bacteria in your mouth. The common bacterial presence in your mouth usually teams up with food pieces in your mouth and saliva to form a sticky, invisible substance- the plaque- on the entire surface of your tooth.