
What is a protected Java method?


What is a protected Java method?

Protected keyword in Java refers to one of its access modifiers. The methods or data members declared as protected can be accessed from: Within the same class. Subclasses of same packages. Different classes of same packages.

What is a protected method?

A protected method is like a private method in that it can only be invoked from within the implementation of a class or its subclasses. It differs from a private method in that it may be explicitly invoked on any instance of the class, and it is not restricted to implicit invocation on self .

Can we declare method as protected in Java?

Yes, you can declare an abstract method protected. If you do so you can access it from the classes in the same package or from its subclasses.

How do you call a protected method in Java?

If a class is not final, you can use an anonymous class to call its protected method: new ClassWithProtectedMethod() { @Override protected void method() { super. method(); } }.

What is the difference between protected and private?

The class members declared as private can be accessed only by the functions inside the class. The class member declared as Protected are inaccessible outside the class but they can be accessed by any subclass(derived class) of that class.

Can we inherit private method in Java?

A java private member cannot be inherited as it is available only to the declared java class. Since the private members cannot be inherited, there is no place for discussion on java runtime overloading or java overriding (polymorphism) features.

What happens if main method is private in Java?

Yes, we can declare the main method as private in Java. It compiles successfully without any errors but at the runtime, it says that the main method is not public.

Can you override static and private method in Java?

No, we cannot override private or static methods in Java. Private methods in Java are not visible to any other class which limits their scope to the class in which they are declared.

Can we override static and private method in Java?

What are protected variables in Java?

Protected is one of the trickier of the Java access modifiers, but it is not difficult to understand! Protected variables and methods allow the class itself to access them, classes inside of the same package to access them, and subclasses of that class to access them.

What is protected access in Java?

Protected access modifier in Java. Like public and private, protected is also a access modifier which has different visibility scope and it is also one of the keyword in java. Its scope are valid to the other packages but it should be within the sub-class.

What is protected class in Java?

In Java, protected means that the member can be accessed by any class in the same package and by subclasses even if they are in another packages. 1) Yes, protected members can be accessed by classes from the same package. That’s the way Java works. 2) That means subclasses can access them.

What is protected access modifier in Java?

Protected – Protected access modifier in Java is a little more relaxed than the default access. Class members apart from being visible in the same package can also be accessed by a sub class in any package. Public – In case of public access modifier, class is visible to all classes everywhere.