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What is build in a sentence?


What is build in a sentence?

He’s heavier in build than his brother. 16. Birds build their nests out of twigs. Some birds build nests of twigs.

What does it mean to build on something?

(build on/upon something) to do something in addition to what you have already achieved. We need to build on the ideas we have had so far. Synonyms and related words. To make progress, or to achieve something.

What does build mean slang?

BUILD. Definition: Arrangement of Items, Skills, Etc. Type: Slang Word (Jargon)

Is built in two words?

The rules regarding hyphens in compound adjectives are these: If the compound adjective is right before the noun, use a hyphen: Built-in types.

How do you define someone’s build?

plural builds. Definition of build (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : form or mode of structure : make the boxy build of the car especially : bodily conformation of a person or animal a man of stocky build.

What type of word is build?

verb (used with object), built or (Archaic) build·ed; build·ing. to construct (especially something complex) by assembling and joining parts or materials: to build a house.

How do you build someone’s idea?

How to build on the ideas of others

  1. Attitude. Approach ideas with the intention of seeing where they lead you, what they suggest, and what might be potentially interesting about them.
  2. Moment-to-moment.
  3. Extract a principle.
  4. Focus on the difference.
  5. Search for value.

Do you build on or build off?

Senior Member. Though this might be confusing, “to build off something” means the same as “to build on something,” in this sort of context. To “build on/off an idea” is to use that idea as a sort of basis/foundation or justification.

What is the correct verb of build?

Conjugation of verb ‘Build’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Build
Past Simple: Built
Past Participle: Built
3rd Person Singular: Builds
Present Participle/Gerund: Building

Is built in one word?

If the compound adjective directly follows a linking verb, don’t use a hyphen: The types are built in.

What does built mean?

Definition of built : formed as to physique or bodily contours slimly built especially : well or attractively formed —used to say that someone or something has the right qualities for or to do something : made, formed, or shaped in a specified way

What does it mean to build?

verb (used with object), built or (Archaic) build·ed; build·ing. to construct (especially something complex) by assembling and joining parts or materials: to build a house. to establish, increase, or strengthen (often followed by up): to build a business; to build up one’s hopes.

What is the definition of build?

Definition of build (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : form or mode of structure : make the boxy build of the car especially : bodily conformation of a person or animal a man of stocky build. 2 : a version or iteration of a product or component We worked with several builds of the beta code, which was in itself instructive.

What is the term that means to build?

A build is also known as a software build or code build. The term build can have a slightly different meaning depending on whether it is used as a noun or a verb.