
What is the age range for the WISC-IV?


What is the age range for the WISC-IV?

The WISC-IV is a test of intellectual ability for children ages 6 to 16 years. It is individually administered, and has 15 subtests. Each subtest is allocated to either the VC, PR, WM, or PS subscales.

Which age group received the WISC test?

between ages 6 and 16
The WISC Test (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is an IQ test administered to children between ages 6 and 16 by school districts and psychologists. The objective of the exam is to understand whether or not a child is gifted, as well as to determine the student’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

Which age group received the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children WISC test?

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is an individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16. The Fifth Edition (WISC-V; Wechsler, 2014) is the most recent version. The WISC-V takes 45–65 minutes to administer.

How much does Wisc cost?

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition (WISC®-V) is an intelligence test that measures a child’s intellectual ability and 5 cognitive domains that impact performance….WISC-V Q-global Score Report Qty 1 (Digital)

1-49 $2.30
250+ $1.90 17%
Savings are estimated

What is full scale IQ?

The Full Scale IQ is a score derived from administration of selected subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scales designed to provide a measure of an individual’s overall level of general cognitive and intellectual functioning.

Who is known as father of intelligence test?

Alfred Binet
Born 8 July 1857 Nice, Kingdom of Sardinia
Died 18 October 1911 (aged 54) Paris, France
Nationality French
Known for Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales Binet–Simon test

How often can the WISC V be administered?

once in 12 months
The tests are designed to capture current cognitive abilities. Applicants may only take the Wechsler Scales once in 12 months. If the results are more than 2 years old, or have been provided for two admissions cycles, the applicant will need to take the evaluation again.

How much does a WISC kit cost?