
What is the answer to 28 on impossible Quiz?


What is the answer to 28 on impossible Quiz?

The answer is “Abundance”, because it is a pun on the words “A bun dance”, which is descriptive enough of the picture.

How do you beat level 28 on the impossible quiz 2?

The answer is “This is Sparta!”. Clicking it will make the head of Leonidas (the main character of the film “300”, which takes place in Sparta) come out of the map, yelling the film’s famous lines, “This… is…. SPARTA!!!”, which had become a well-known meme by the time the Quiz came out.

How many questions are in the impossible quiz?

110 questions
There are 100 questions, plus the Epic 10 after Question 100. The answer is “No one knows that”, because the game assumes that nobody who has made it to this question has actually made it to the very end of the game, thus nobody really knows that this Quiz actually has 110 questions in total.

What is the answer to 29 on impossible Quiz?

Question 29 from the Impossible Quiz says “What flavour is cardboard?”, while the possible answers say “Honey”, “Pork scratchings”, “Egg mayonnaise”, and “Talc”. The correct answer is “Egg Mayonnaise” because Splapp-Me-Do doesn’t like egg mayonnaise at all.

How do you beat number 24 on the impossible quiz?

If you rapidly scroll your mouse back and forth over the box, you will be able to read the message formed by all of the letters, which says “Click the ‘V’ in lives”. So click on the letter V in the word “Lives” at the bottom left corner of the screen in order to proceed.

What are the main ingredients of shampoo The Impossible Quiz?

The main ingredients are cham and poo.

What are chicken nuggets made of impossible quiz?

Question 63 from the Impossible Quiz asks “What are Chicken McNuggets made of?”, with the possible choices being “100% chicken”, “Tasteless white filth”, “Soil”, and “Win”. The answer is NOT “100% chicken”, even though Chicken McNuggets are made out of it.

What is Question 28 of the impossible Quiz 2?

Question 28 of The Impossible Quiz 2 asks “What is this?”, just like a typical picture question. It features map of Greece and parts of surrounding countries, rather than a drawing of something. Several locations are written on the map, and there’s an arrow coming from the question, which points to the exact location of Sparta in the map.

Is there a glitch in the impossible quiz?

There is a glitch in this question – If you lose all the lives when the head comes out, the running water sound effect from Question 29 will play on a loop until you either die or complete Question 29 (whichever happens first).

How to solve the impossible Quiz level 30?

The Impossible Quiz Answers 30: Cross through the tunnel – You can solve this one by moving the mouse or dragging your finger through the tunnel. You can also solve it by right clicking desperately and obsessively or by left-clicking the mouse, holding and releasing it.

Which is the correct answer to question 27?

The correct answer is “Go to 28”, since you’re on Question 27. Once you’ve figured out that clicking a wrong answer will take you to the question indicated in the option box, it’s quite obvious that you have to click the one with the biggest number, which is 28.