Useful Tips

What material is used for shoji screens?


What material is used for shoji screens?

What is a Shoji Screen? Consisting of thick, translucent paper stretched over a wooden frame holding together a lattice of wood or bamboo, shoji adorn the rooms and facades of Japanese homes, temples, and palaces. They have endured as an important fixture of the home since pre-modern Japan.

What can I use instead of shoji paper?

Warlon® is large sheet of laminated washi. The lamination makes it waterproof and easy to clean when used. It was developed as a durable alternative to washi paper in shoji screens. Warlon® has resistance to wear, is cleanable with water and has flame-proof certification.

Are shoji screens waterproof?

Shoji have imposed constraints on other types of hashira-ma equipment: being translucent, non-waterproof, light, and fragile, they need protection, but they also need access to light.

What is the difference between Shoji and Fusuma?

The primary difference between fusuma and shoji is that fusuma are opaque. Although fusuma may be constructed from paper it is typically a thick course grained paper that isn’t translucent. Shoji on the other hand are made from a thin waxed paper that lets light through.

Is Shoji paper durable?

This paper is extremely tear resistant and therefore cat-proof to a large extent. It blocks 95 % of UV, according to the manufacturer, protecting furniture and Tatami from harmful exposure while letting visible light pass through. This paper can be adhered with Shoji glue as well as with double sided transparent tape.

What does the name Shoji mean?

Japanese (Shoji): ‘(one who lives near a) small road’. The name is not common in Japan. Similar surnames: Shoda, Hori, Seki, Shi, Suomi, Cho, Shoun, Shan, Hari, Shor.

How do shoji doors work?

The top and bottom of the doors are cut with a matching L-shape tenon, and they slide along the groove effortlessly. Two panels on two grooves (Figure 1) slide and pass each other. When open, that means two panels on one side stacking over another, there is 3 feet opening at maximum.

How to make Shoji style sliding closet doors from scratch?

Corrugated plastic is easy to cut with a utility knife so measure it out, and slice it up! I attached mine to the wood using small screws and washers. If you use the plastic like I did, make sure the screws are deep enough into the frame so when the plastic deflects you can’t see it from the front of the door. Step 7: Step Seven: ENJOY!

How do you make a sliding closet door?

Once you have the dimensions of your wood, add 1/2 the width of a vertical side to the final width of the door. That should be right but check your own dimensions to be sure. Mine did not come out perfect because the closet frame is not square. You can make any pattern you want in the middle of your doors.

What kind of dye to use on shoji screen doors?

I sprayed the NGR dye using a HVLP conversion gun, let it dry, and then followed with the tinted conversion varnish (tinted with universal dyes). This gives an extremely dark color, but still has transparency allowing you to see the wood grain.

What kind of wood do shoji screens come from?

Traditional Shoji are made from a variety of woods – most of which are expensive and pretty hard to find in the sizes you would need to make screens like these. I chose Poplar because it’s readily available, machines easily, takes finish well, and is easier to find in larger (thicker) dimensions in my area.