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What was Pedro Nunes known for?


What was Pedro Nunes known for?

Pedro Nunes, Latin Petrus Nonius, (born 1502, Alcácer do Sal, Port. —died Aug. 11, 1578, Coimbra), mathematician, geographer, and the chief figure in Portuguese nautical science, noted for his studies of the Earth, including the oceans.

What did Pedro Nunes invent?

He was the first to propose the idea of a loxodrome, and was the inventor of several measuring devices, including the nonius (from which Vernier scale was derived), named after his Latin surname.

What did Pedro Nunes contribute to math?

As mathematics professor, Nunes pioneered mathematical education for low-status navigators and ship pilots, while also serving as tutor for the brothers of King John III. From his astronomical research, Nunes invented the nonius, enabling mariners to measure fractions of degrees in finding their latitude.

Where was Pedro Nunes from?

Alcácer do Sal, Portugal
Pedro Nunes/Place of birth

Who was Pedro Nunes and what did he do?

Pedro Nunes, one of the most prestigious scientists of the Renaissance and one of the greatest mathematicians of his time, died in Coimbra (Portugal) on August 11, 1578. Born in Alcácer do Sal in the year 1502, Pedro Nunes was appointed Royal Cosmographer in 1529 and Chief Royal Cosmographer in 1547, a post he kept until his death.

What was the second edition of Pedro Nunes opera?

Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera,(Basileae: officina Henricpetrina, 1592) A “second” edition of Nunes’ Opera, by the same printer of the first edition. This used folios from the 1566’s edition but followed the internal organization of De arte atque ratione navigandi.

When did Pedro Nunes claim to have solved the three classical problems?

De erratis Orontii Finaei, 1546 A refutation of Oronce Finé’s (professor at the Collège Royal de Paris) claim to have solved the three classical mathematical problems (to double a cube, to trisect an arbitrary angle, and to square a circle). See online: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla: (link)

How did Pedro Nunes solve the Twilight problem?

In this book Pedro Nunes adresses the problem of the duration of twilights. He explained that this duration depends of the place of the observer and of the time of the year and, for the first time, established the mathematical conditions to observe a minimum twilight.