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What were 3 features of Shang culture?


What were 3 features of Shang culture?

Three important values of shang culture are family, advice from gods, and children respecting their parents.

What advances were made during the Shang Dynasty?

The Shang made many contributions to Chinese civilization, but four in particular define the dynasty: the invention of writing; the development of a stratified government; the advancement of bronze technology; and the use of the chariot and bronze weapons in warfare.

What was the culture like in the Shang Dynasty?

Shang religion was characterized by a combination of animism, shamanism, spiritual control of the world, divination, and respect and worship of dead ancestors, including through sacrifice. Different gods represented natural and mythological symbols, such as the moon, sun, wind, rain, dragon, and phoenix.

What is the Shang Dynasty best known for?

The Shang Dynasty is the earliest ruling dynasty of China to be established in recorded history, though other dynasties predated it. The Shang ruled from 1600 to 1046 B.C. and heralded the Bronze Age in China. They were known for their advances in math, astronomy, artwork and military technology.

How did the Shang dynasty contribute to Chinese civilization?

The Shang made many contributions to Chinese civilization, but four in particular define the dynasty: the invention of writing; the development of a stratified government; the advancement of bronze technology; and the use of the chariot and bronze weapons in warfare. The Invention of Writing

When did the Shang dynasty begin and end?

The Shang dynasty began with the reign of Tang and ended with the fall of Zhou, lasting for approximate 600 years, from 16 century BC to 11 century BC. Shang flourished economically and politically in the very beginning period, however, it gradually degenerated.

Where are the bronzes from the Shang dynasty?

Bronze gu from Anyang, Henan province, China, Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 bce); in the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery and Mary Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, Kansas City, Mo. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri

What was the writing system of the Shang dynasty?

By comparing and equating the inscriptions to modern Chinese characters, scholars have shown that the Shang had already developed all the principles of the modern writing system used today. In fact, Chinese writing has undergone relatively few changes since it was first developed 3,500 years ago.