Common questions

What year is a prefix registration?


What year is a prefix registration?

Prefix Letter Age Identifier

1983 A
1984 B
1985 C
1986 D

What year is 52 registration?

Age identifier

Year 1 March to end August 1 September to end February
2001/02 51
2002/03 02 52
2003/04 03 53
2004/05 04 54

What year is 79 Reg?

Number Plate Series Release Dates and Age Identifiers

Age Identifier Release Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
76 series 01-09-2026
77 series 01-09-2027
78 series 01-09-2028
79 series 01-09-2029

What year is 20 registration?

Upcoming Number Plate Dates

Plate Number Date Range of Plate
20 Plate March 2020 to August 2020
70 Plate September 2020 to February 2021
21 Plate March 2021 to August 2021
71 Plate September 2021 to March 2022

What do the first two letters on a number plate mean?

The first section of a number plate is the local memory tag – the first two letters of the plate identifies where the vehicle was registered.

How old is an R reg car?

Prefix Registration Plates

Prefix From To
R August 1997 July 1998
S August 1998 February 1999
T March 1999 July 1999
V August 1999 February 2000

When did car registration year change to suffix?

Between 1963 and 1965 councils began to issue “suffix” registration marks – three letter/three numbers and a year suffix. The registration year ran from 1 January – 31 December until 1967, when the suffix change was moved to 1 August.

What are the different years for car registration?

Car registration years A reg year 1963 J / K reg year 1971 K / L reg year 1972 L / M reg year 1973 M / N reg year 1974

When did they start using numbers for car registration?

This process started in 1983 (before then the letters were used as a suffix on the number plate), and ran all the way to 2001. From 2001 car registration years have been signified by numbers which denote the year they were registered.

How can I tell what year my car is registered in UK?

The following tables show the year or registration for the current and previous versions of UK registration numbers. Vehicles with custom plates or Q plates are not covered, as they can be any year. The registration is the date the vehicle was first registered in the UK.