Common questions

Who is subject to Open meetings Act?


Who is subject to Open meetings Act?

§ 4.1 Entities Subject to Open Meeting Laws. Open meeting laws apply principally to public, collegial, deliberative bodies, that is, multi-member bodies that meet as a group for deliberation and decision making.

What is an open board meeting?

Open meetings are often scheduled to take place either immediately before or after an executive session meeting. Because members do not have the right to attend executive session, the term “open session” is commonly used to refer to which aspect of the board meeting is open to attendance by the membership.

What is Open meeting Law?

The Open Meeting Law requires that most meetings of public bodies be held in public, and it establishes rules that public bodies must follow in the creation and maintenance of records relating to those meetings.

Can I record public meetings?

Generally speaking, when you attend a public meeting of a government body that is required to be open to the public by law, you are free to record that meeting through note-taking, sound and video recording devices, and photography, so long as the method of recording used is reasonable and not disruptive.

Do all states have open meeting laws?

All states had enacted open meetings laws by 1976 By 1976 all of the states and the District of Columbia had passed sunshine laws that created a legal right to (limited) access. In general, most statutes require public bodies to meet and deliberate in public.

Can board members talk outside of board meetings?

Simply put, Board Members may not engage in Association related discourse and decision making outside of properly noticed Board Meetings, where a Board Meeting agenda has been posted four days in advance (48 Hours for Special Executive Session Meetings).

Can board members talk to each other?

The most frequently used permitted interaction, section 92-2.5(a), HRS, allows two board members to discuss any board business, without limitation, so long as they do not make or seek a commitment to vote.

Why open meetings are important?

When citizens know what their government is up to, they have a better chance of ensuring that decisions treat everyone equally and protect the common conditions that are important to everyone’s welfare.

Who has right to adjournment meeting?

The Chairman may, unless dissented to or objected by the majority of Directors present at a Meeting at which a Quorum is present, adjourn the Meeting for any reason, at any stage of the Meeting. This paragraph of SS-1 deals with adjournment of a Meeting otherwise than for want of Quorum.

What happens if a school board violates the Open Meetings Law?

If a school board has violated the Open Meetings Law, a court can: (1) declare that the school board violated the law; (2) declare void the action taken in violation of the law; (3) order the school board to participate in a training session conducted by the Committee on Open Government; and/or (4) award attorneys fees to the successful party.

What is the law for open public meetings?

The state Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, Article 7) is quite succinct, and its terms are often subject to interpretation. School board members often express a sense of uncertainty as to whether they are conducting meetings in full compliance with the law.

When did the Open Meeting Act come into effect?

When public body meets to vote on particular matter, vote is subject to Open Meeting Act. November 9, 1982 (AG Op. No. 82-212) Member of board operating under Open Meeting Act cannot delegate his right to vote at meeting to another member by use of proxy. January 20, 1982 (AG Op. No. 82-7)

When do school districts have to give notice of open meetings?

Generally, notice of the time and place of the meeting must be given to the public and news media no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting. Notice must be given to the news media and posted in one or more conspicuous public locations and on the school district’s website at a reasonable time prior to the meeting.