Popular lifehacks

Who is troll face guy?


Who is troll face guy?

Creator Carlos Ramirez
Trollface Creator Carlos Ramirez Has Made $100,000 Off the Meme.

Are trolls human?

Trolls may be described as small, human-like beings or as tall as men depending on the region of origin of the story.

Why is wojak called?

History. “Wojak” was originally the nickname of a Polish user on the defunct German imageboard Krautchan, who started posting the image around 2010, often accompanied with lament about not having a girlfriend. Wojak was also paired with the template phrase “that feel” or “that feel when”, shortened to “tfw”.

Who made the first rage comic?

Although used on numerous websites such as Reddit, Cheezburger, ESS.MX, Ragestache, and 9GAG, the source of the rage comic has largely been attributed to 4chan in mid-2008. The first rage comic was posted to the 4chan /b/ “Random” board in 2008.

What is the original troll face?

Carlos Ramirez is the original created of The Trollface. He is an artist that is known by his deviantART. He revealed that The Trollface was based off a drawing of a comic character he drew, “Rape Rodent” (seen below).

Why do trolls eat humans?

They hunt humans because trolls generally are very fond of human flesh. When they aren’t hungry, they throw stones at people and destroy human villages located in the mountains. There are also some subtypes of Jötnar who live in the sea or forests.

What is troll face?

The ” trollface ” is an image occasionally used to indicate trolling in Internet culture. At times the word is incorrectly used to refer to anyone with controversial, or differing, opinions.

Who created troll face?

The Trollface was originally drawn by Carlos Ramirez, an Oakland-based artist known by his deviantART handle Whynne, as part of a MS Paint webcomic about the pointless nature of trolling on a video game forum. The comic was uploaded to deviantART on September 19th, 2008.

When was the troll face created?

The Troll Face was created in 2008 on a 4chan board by the DeviantART user “Whynne”, who created a comic depicting what trolls what you to think and what you exactly think. Whynne confessed the character was originally going to be known as “Rape Rodent”. The Troll Face eventually caught on in the 4chan boards,…