
Can ECT cause catatonia?


Can ECT cause catatonia?

These changes in brain perfusion can cause unpredictable changes, leading to emergence of catatonia during ECT. Correlations between catatonic feature and temporal lobe epilepsy have been well-known. It is possible that the emergence of catatonia following ECT is mediated through the effects of ECT on temporal lobes.

What is the difference between catatonia and catalepsy?

The two major psychiatric manuals, DSM-5 and ICD-11, now agree that the diagnosis of catatonia requires the presence of 3 of the following 12 clinical features: Stupor (a state of reduced responsiveness) Catalepsy (patient adopts positions that they are put in by the examiner)

What is posturing catatonia?

posturing: spontaneous and active maintenance of a posture against gravity. mannerisms that are odd, circumstantial caricatures of normal actions. stereotypy: repetitive, abnormally frequent, non-goal-directed movements. agitation, not influenced by external stimuli. grimacing: keeping a fixed facial expression.

What is stupor in catatonia?

Catatonia affects a person’s ability to move in a normal way. People with catatonia can experience a variety of symptoms. The most common symptom is stupor, which means that the person can’t move, speak, or respond to stimuli. However, some people with catatonia may exhibit excessive movement and agitated behavior.

Is catatonia a mood disorder?

Fink and Taylor argued that catatonia should not be exclusively linked with schizophrenia, leading to a change that recognized catatonia as a disorder caused by a medical condition and a features specifier in mood disorders, in DSM-IV.

Why does someone become catatonic?

Doctors aren’t sure exactly what makes someone become catatonic. It happens most often with people who have mood disorders or psychotic disorders, like depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. About a third of people who are catatonic also have bipolar disorder.

Can anxiety make you catatonic?

The most common symptoms associated with catatonia are mutism (not speaking) and stupor (the state of being in a daze). For a doctor to diagnose catatonia, the person must have at least three of the following 12 symptoms: Agitation, or anxiety or restlessness.

What does catatonic depression look like?

Catatonic depression is a subtype of depression characterized by not speaking or seeming to be in a daze for a prolonged period. A person with catatonic depression does not respond to what is going on around them and may be silent and motionless.

What causes a person to go into a catatonic state?

What causes prolonged immobility and restlessness in catatonia?

Prolonged abnormal posturing and/or alternating immobility and restlessness are features of catatonia. Causes include organic (e.g. intracerebral infection) and schizophrenia (in tropical settings, catatonia appears to be a more common presentation of schizophrenia than in Western settings).

What causes decerebrate posture on one side of the body?

This type of posturing usually means there has been severe damage to the brain. A severe injury to the brain is the usual cause of decerebrate posture. Opisthotonos (a severe muscle spasm of the neck and back) may occur in severe cases of decerebrate posture. Decerebrate posture can occur on one side, on both sides, or in just the arms.

How often does catatonia go unrecognized by the public?

Catatonia frequently goes unrecognized, leading to the belief that the syndrome is rare, however, this is not true and prevalence has been reported to be as high as 10% in patients with acute psychiatric illnesses. 21-46% of all catatonia cases can be attributed to a general medical condition.

What are the signs and symptoms of Excited catatonia?

Excited Catatonia: Excited catatonia is characterized by odd mannerisms/gestures, performing purposeless or inappropriate actions, excessive motor activity restlessness, stereotypy, impulsivity, agitation, combativeness. Speech and actions may be repetitive or mimic another person’s.