Common questions

Can reflux cause breath holding spells?


Can reflux cause breath holding spells?

Reflux of acid contents may cause breath holding spells with the infant appearing pale or blue with struggling to breathe. Other considerations for these symptoms may include inadequate or poor coordination of sucking, swallowing and breathing.

What causes breath holding spells in adults?

Pallid breath holding spells are known to be caused by exaggerated vagal response leading to cerebral hypoperfusion [20]. Ocular compression can trigger these spells via the oculocardiac reflex which increases vagal tone.

Is it normal for newborns to hold their breath?

Your baby may have breathing that pauses for up to 10 seconds at a time. This is called periodic breathing. There may be several such pauses close together, followed by a series of rapid, shallow breaths. This irregular breathing pattern is common in premature babies in the first few weeks of life.

Are breath-holding spells common?

Also called breath-holding attacks, these spells are somewhat common and can happen in healthy children. They can look like seizures, but they’re not. The spells don’t hurt the children, and many outgrow them by age 6 or 7. They are most common in 2-year-olds.

What are the symptoms of a breath holding spell?

A spell that involves holding the breath, then turning blue and passing out; Breath-holding spells were diagnosed by your child’s doctor; Symptoms of a Breath-Holding Spell. An upsetting event happens right before the spell. A common trigger is being angry about parents setting limits (temper tantrums). Another is getting scared.

How often should you give your child a breath holding spell?

Don’t give in to your child before or after the attack. After spells, give your child a brief hug and go about your normal routine. Spells happen from 1 or 2 times a day to 1 or 2 times a month. Kids outgrow them by age 6. And remember, contact your doctor if your child develops any of the ‘Call Your Doctor’ symptoms.

When do you pass out from holding your breath?

Normal breathing starts again in less than 1 minute. Becomes fully alert in less than 2 minutes. A reflex response to strong feelings. This reflex allows some children to hold their breath long enough to pass out. Spells do not happen on purpose. This happens in 5% of healthy children. Breath-holding spells can run in families.

What causes a child to hold their breath?

Breath-holding spells may be cyanotic or pallid. The former are usually precipitated by anger or frustration while the latter are more often precipitated by pain or fear. In the cyanotic type, the child usually emits a short, loud cry, which leads to a sudden involuntary holding of the breath in forced expiration.