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Can you look up a businesses NAICS code?


Can you look up a businesses NAICS code?

You can use the search feature at In the “2017 NAICS Search” box on the left side of that page, enter a keyword that describes your kind of business. A list of primary business activities containing that keyword and the corresponding NAICS codes will appear.

How do I find my NAICS industry code?

To identify the NAICS Code being used for a specific company, visit the US Company Lookup Tool by To identify the proper code for your company, use the NAICS SEARCH TOOLS to identify the code that best reflects your primary business activity (revenue producing activity.)

How do I find my Louisiana NAICS code?

NAICS codes can be found online at the U.S. Census Bureau website ( Applicants should use the Census Bureau website to determine the NAICS code that best describes their primary business activity.

Can I find my NAICS code on my tax return?

How can I find my NAICS code on my tax return? When filling out a federal tax return, the NAICS is typically located at the top of the form.

What is a NAICS code lookup?

A NAICS Code illustrates the business activity of a company. Businesses can use the NAICS code lookup tool to find companies within targeted industries for marketing purposes. By identifying the NAICS code of their top clients, they can use this information to reach more customers within that industry.

What are the different NAICS codes?

NAICS CODE LIST: Click Any Two Digit NAICS Code to Drill Down Further

Code Industry Title Number of Business Establishments
31-33 Manufacturing 649,784
42 Wholesale Trade 697,549
44-45 Retail Trade 1,818,792
48-49 Transportation and Warehousing 634,602

Which NAICS code should I use?

The appropriate North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code to use when registering your business is #454390.

How do you Find Your NAICS code?

To find NAICS codes, click on the “Company Information” link in the blue banner near the top. Enter company name or ticker in the search box & set box to left as “company name” or “ticker symbol.”. Open up company record and click on “Industry” link.

Where to find the NAICS code?

A business will generally have a primary NAICS code, but it can also have multiple NAICS codes if it sells multiple products and services. To find your NAICS code, view the NAICS code list at the U.S. Census Bureau . To be eligible for government contracts reserved for small businesses, your business must meet size requirements set by the SBA.

What is SIC code listing?

The Standard Industrial Classification Codes, or SIC Codes, is a United States-specific numerical classification system that is assigned to every individual business listing.