Useful Tips

Can ZYRA be played mid?

Can ZYRA be played mid?

Zyra can be played Mid, Support, or Top.

Is ZYRA a good support?

Zyra is one of the strongest Supports in the current meta. She has benefitted heavily from item changes for Season 11 which has shot her up in terms of pick rate and enjoyment (for me at the very least). With Zyra’s play rate increasing and her lane dominance ever-growing, you must learn how to play against her.

What should I buy for ZYRA?

Zyra Item Build

  • Sorcerer’s Shoes.
  • Liandry’s Anguish.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass.
  • Demonic Embrace.
  • Rylai’s Crystal Scepter.
  • Shard of True Ice.

Is Zyra a bad support?

As long as the Annie or Zyra do this, they are still being a ‘good’ support. Likewise, you could have a Soraka taking all the minions with Starcall and stealing kills with the damage from Infuse, and she would be a ‘bad’ support.

Is Zyra a good champion?

Zyra is a really versatile champion that can take a ton of different rune setups. There are 5 main rune setups I would recommend on Zyra.

Which is the best build guide for Zyra?

Find the best Zyra build guides for League of Legends S11 Patch 11.14. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Zyra build for the S11 meta. Learn more about Zyra’s abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!

What do you need to know about Zyra mid lane?

Since Zyra is an early game bully, and Yone’s only engage is his E -> all you have to do is save your E and he can’t trade with you pre-6. Very squishy champion with an extremely high skill cap.

How to import corejj’s Zyra build into League?

Import CoreJJ’s Zyra Build directly into your League client. Automatically. Import RotteBengi’s Zyra Build directly into your League client. Automatically. Import RotteBengi’s Zyra Build directly into your League client.

What does Zyra do in League of Legends?

Zyra summons a twisted thicket at a target location, dealing 180 / 265 / 350 (+75% of ability power) magic damage to enemies as it expands and knocking them airborne as it contracts. Plants in the area are enraged, dealing 50% bonus damage and gaining 50% current and max health.