Common questions

How do I autoscale Azure app Service?


How do I autoscale Azure app Service?


  1. Log in to the Azure portal.
  2. Create a Web App and App Service Plan.
  3. Navigate to Autoscale settings.
  4. Configure default profile.
  5. Create recurrence profile.
  6. Create a scale-out rule.
  7. Create a scale-in rule.
  8. Trigger scale-out action.

How do I downgrade my app service plan?

Unfortunately, there is no way to currently downgrade or convert an App Service Environment to a multi-tenant web app. Pay close attention to the App Service Plan when creating a new web app to ensure you select the proper tier.

What is difference between app service and app service plan?

When you create an app in App Service, it is put into an App Service plan. When the app runs, it runs on all the VM instances configured in the App Service plan. If multiple apps are in the same App Service plan, they all share the same VM instances.

How do you autoscale on the web app?

Create a managed instance group

  1. Under Autoscaling, select Autoscale.
  2. Set the Autoscaling policy to use CPU utilization as a metric.
  3. Set the Target CPU utilization to 60 %.
  4. Set the Cool down period to 120 seconds.
  5. Set the Minimum number of instances to 3 .
  6. Set the Maximum number of instances to 6 .

How do you scale app services?

Scale up your pricing tier In your App Service app page, from the left menu, select Scale Up (App Service plan). Choose your tier, and then select Apply. Select the different categories (for example, Production) and also See additional options to show more tiers.

How do I increase my app service plan?

Move an app to another App Service plan

  1. In the Azure portal, search for and select App services and select the app that you want to move.
  2. From the left menu, select Change App Service plan.
  3. In the App Service plan dropdown, select an existing plan to move the app to.

How do I change from consumption plan to APP service plan?

Is the migration path:

  1. Make sure you have all your keys.
  2. Delete existing Function App.
  3. Delete Service Plan.
  4. Wait for DNS to flush.
  5. Create new Function App on Consumption Plan with same name and same storage account.
  6. Configure CI, app settings etc.

Why do we need app service?

Managed production environment – App Service automatically patches and maintains the OS and language frameworks for you. Spend time writing great apps and let Azure worry about the platform. Containerization and Docker – Dockerize your app and host a custom Windows or Linux container in App Service.

What is the difference between scaling up and scaling out?

The term “scaling up” means to use a more powerful single server to process the workload that fits within the server boundaries. Scale-out is a different model which utilizes multiple processors as a single entity so a business can scale beyond the computer capacity of a single server.

What is a scale out?

To scale out is the process of selling off portions of the total held shares while the price increases. To scale out (or scaling out) means to get out of a position (e.g., to sell) in increments as the price climbs.

How do I Change my App service plan?

To change app service plan, you need scroll to App Service Plan section in web app’s blade and click on “Change App Service plan” option: The App Service plan selector opens and you can select the app service you want to transfer your app to.

What is an app service plan?

An App Service plan defines a set of compute resources for a web app to run. These compute resources are analogous to the server farm in conventional web hosting. One or more apps can be configured to run on the same computing resources (or in the same App Service plan).

What is the Azure App service plan?

An App Service Plan consists of the underlying virtual machines that will host the Azure App Services. It has several tiers, from Free to Premium. The App Service Plan defines the region of the physical server where your app will be hosted on and the amount of storage, RAM,…

What is isolated app service plan?

The Isolated plan allows customers to run their apps in a private, dedicated environment in an Azure datacenter using Dv2-series VMs with faster processors, SSD storage, and double the memory-to-core ratio compared to Standard. The private environment used with an Isolated plan is called the App Service Environment.