
How do I disable IIS cache?

How do I disable IIS cache?

Disable Output Caching in IIS:

  1. On the Site Home screen in IIS Manager double click on “Output Caching”
  2. On the right side under Actions, click on Edit Feature Settings.
  3. Uncheck Enable Cache and Enable kernel cache.
  4. Click OK.

How do I add cache-control in IIS?

How to Enable Caching

  1. Open ”Internet Information Services (IIS) manager” from Control Panel > Administrator Tools.
  2. Browse to the Argus Safety Web website.
  3. Double click the HTTP Response Headers option.
  4. Make sure that Cache Control header with value of no-cache exists.
  5. Click the Set Common Headers option.

Where do I put cache control headers?

To use cache-control in HTML, you use the meta tag, e.g. The value in the content field is defined as one of the four values below. HTTP 1.1. Allowed values = PUBLIC | PRIVATE | NO-CACHE | NO-STORE.

Where do I put cache-control headers?

What does cache-control private mean?

Cache-Control: Private The private response directive indicates that a resource is user specific—it can still be cached, but only on a client device. For example, a web page response marked as private can be cached by a desktop browser, but not a content delivery network (CDN).

How to set cache control private in IIS7?

Wierdly the images seem to have “Cache-Control private,max-age=3600” showing up in Firebug but the browser is still requesting them when I press F5. If you want to set the Cache-Control header, there’s nothing in the IIS7 UI to do this, sadly.

What kind of content does IIs automatically cache?

IIS automatically caches static content (such as HTML pages, images, and style sheets), since these types of content do not change from request to request. IIS also detects changes to the files when you make updates, and IIS flushes the cache as needed. The IIS output caching feature targets semi-dynamic content.

How to set common response headers in IIS 7?

You simply have to select a folder within your IIS 7 Manager UI (e.g. Images or event the Default Web Application folder) and then click on “HTTP Response Headers”. Then you have to click on “Set Common Header..” in the right pane and select the “Expire Web content”.

Do you need to enable output caching in IIS?

Even if you enable output caching, IIS does not immediately cache a request. It must be requested a few times before IIS considers a request to be “cache worthy.”. Cache worthiness can be configured via the ServerRuntime section described in the ServerRuntimeSection Class article.