Useful Tips

How do I force an RSS feed to update?


How do I force an RSS feed to update?

Go to you Dashboard and click on Settings. Go to Reading. Under the heading, “Syndication feeds show the most recent” change the number in the box. If it says 5, change it to 2…or whatever.

Why is RSS feed not updating?

If an RSS/MRSS feed works when you start up the unit or publish a new presentation, but fails to update at other times, the problem is most likely with the RSS update frequency setting. Go to File > Presentation Properties > Data Feeds and check the Update Interval: It may be set to 12 hours, 24 hours, or even “Once”.

Is FeedBurner going away?

The Feedburner team announced that their email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021. From July 2021 onwards, your existing Feedburner feeds will continue to serve but the automated emails to your subscribers won’t be supported.

Why is FeedBurner in my Google Dashboard?

FeedBurner is a service that is associated with your Google account. When your Google account is permanently deleted, information associated with your FeedBurner account (such as burned feeds and MyBrand domains) will be automatically deleted after a grace period of 30 days.

Do RSS feeds update?

It was updated in January 2021 by Zapier staff writer Krystina Martinez. Jessica Greene is a freelance marketing and business writer.

How long do RSS feeds take to update?

At times, Apple may take up to 24 hours to check your RSS feed for new episodes or changes, but in most cases, new episodes should appear in Apple Podcasts pretty quickly and often times within an hour or two.

What is replacing FeedBurner?

Google is shutting Feedburner-emails; viable FeedBurner alternatives to include FeedBlitz,, MailChimp and ConvertKit. And for many years, FeedBurner offered a free and easy way for subscribers to opt-in and receive newly published content by email automatically with real simple syndication (RSS).

What can I use instead of a FeedBurner?

7 Free Alternatives to FeedBurner if Google Kills it

  • FeedBlitz.
  • Nourish.
  • IFTTT.
  • Feedity.
  • Rapid Feeds.
  • Feedstats.

How do I enable FeedBurner email?

Go to and login, Click “My Feeds” in the upper-left-hand corner, Select your feed from the list, Click the “Publicize” tab, Click “Email Subscriptions” on the left, Make sure “Feedburner” is selected, and click “Activate”, Copy the HTML code in the box.

How do I activate FeedBurner?

How does it work? From within the Publicize tab of the application, publishers activate the service with a simple click, then paste code into their blogging template or website. See what this looks like on a blog or built right into your BrowserFriendly page.