Common questions

How do you address a letter to two addresses?

How do you address a letter to two addresses?

Address two recipients in the same fashion as you would if you had one recipient. This means that you will include the recipient’s names, and the company name and address for both parties. The order of the addressees will be in alphabetical order by company. State the full name of the recipient and his title.

What can I write instead of Dear all?

“Dear Sir or Madam” Alternatives”Hello, [Insert team name]””Hello, [Insert company name]””Dear, Hiring Manager””Dear, [First name]””To Whom it May Concern””Hello””Hi there””I hope this email finds you well”

What can I say instead of Dear all?

“Dear All” is OK but as a general rule I wouldn’t use it. “Dear Sirs” should not be used as that sounds a little awkward. Normally, I would use Dear (department you are writing to), or Dear Colleagues is acceptable.

Do letters start with dear?

Start with the word “Dear” Although in certain situations it is appropriate to use “Greetings” or “Hello” prior to the name of the recipient, using the word “Dear” to begin a business letter is a preferred and professional approach. When in doubt, use “Dear.”