
How do you AutoFit row height in Excel with merged cells?


How do you AutoFit row height in Excel with merged cells?

When a group of cells in a row are merged and the text wraps to two or more lines, double-clicking the row border just to the left of column A (or Format>Row>Autofit) auto-heights the row to one line of text. Either of these actions should heighten the row to fit the text in the merged cells.

How do you AutoFit merged cells?

How It Works

  1. Unmerge the cells.
  2. Get the width of the first column in the OrderNote range.
  3. Get the total width for all columns in the OrderNote range.
  4. Add a little extra to the calculated width.
  5. Set the first column to the calculated total width.
  6. Autofit the row, based on the note next in the first column.

How do I automatically adjust row height to fit text in Excel?

On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format. Under Cell Size, do one of the following: To automatically adjust the row height, click AutoFit Row Height. To specify a row height, click Row Height, and then type the row height that you want in the Row height box.

Why does excel AutoFit row height not work?

Cause. In Excel, you cannot use the AutoFit feature on a column that contains a cell merged with cells in other columns. Likewise, you cannot use AutoFit on a row that contains a cell merged with cells in other rows.

Can we resize merged cells?

Answer:Select the merged cells that you wish to wrap text. In this example, we’ve selected cells A3:B3 which is the merged cell. Right-click and then select “Format Cells” from the popup menu. Now when you return to the spreadsheet, you will need to manually adjust the height of the row that contains the merged cells.

How do you AutoFit in sheets?

Below are the steps to adjust and autofit column width in Google Sheets:

  1. Select the column (or columns) that you want to autofit.
  2. Right-click on any of the selected columns.
  3. Click the Resize Columns option.
  4. In the ‘Resize Column’ dialog box that opens, select the ‘Fit to Data’ option.
  5. Click OK.

How do you increase row height in Excel?

Select the row or rows that you want to change. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format. Under Cell Size, click Row Height. In the Row height box, type the value that you want, and then click OK.