How do you end a professional email in Spanish?
How do you end a professional email in Spanish?
FormalSaludos cordiales. = Best regards. Atentamente. = Sincerely. Cordialmente. = Cordially. Sinceramente. = Sincerely. Para cualquier cosa estoy a su disposición. = I am at your disposal for anything you need. Agradeciéndole de antemano su cooperación. = Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
What are some greetings and goodbyes in Spanish?
DepartingSpanishEnglish equivalentLiteral translationAdiósGoodbyeGoodbye (from “to god”)Chao/ChauByeBorrowed from the Italian “ciao”Nos vemosWe’ll see each other (soon)We seeHasta mañanaSee you tomorrowUntil tomorrow6
How do you write a Spanish letter?
If you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to, you can use the following formats:Muy señor mío: (Dear sir,)Estimado señor: (Dear sir,)Muy señora mía: (Dear madam,)Estimada señora: (Dear madam,)Muy señores míos: (Dear sirs, dear sirs/madams,)Estimados señores: (Dear sirs, dear sirs/madams,)
What are the 30 letters in the Spanish alphabet?
The official Spanish alphabet: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z.
How is the letter Z pronounced in Spanish?
The letter z in Spanish is pronounced like the s in the English word sun by speakers of Latin American Spanish. The letter z in Spanish is pronounced like the th in the English word thing by most speakers of Castilian Spanish.