Common questions

How far is every planet from the Sun?


How far is every planet from the Sun?

Planet (or Dwarf Planet) Distance from the Sun (Astronomical Units miles km)
Venus 0.723 AU 67.2 million miles 108.2 million km
Earth 1 AU 93 million miles 149.6 million km
Mars 1.524 AU 141.6 million miles 227.9 million km
Jupiter 5

How far are all the planets from the Sun in KM?

Distance of the planets from the Sun

Planet Distance from the Sun Diameter
Venus 108,200,000 km (0.723 AU) 12,104 km
Earth 149,600,000 km (1.000 AU) 12,756 km
Mars 227,940,000 km (1.524 AU) 6,805 km
Jupiter 778,330,000 km (5

Are all the planets equally spaced out from the Sun?

The planets in the Solar System are not evenly spaced out in distance from the Sun. Using your New Horizons poster, put your finger on Earth and trace Earth’s orbit all the way around the Sun. To help you find your way around, estimate the distances to the planets outside of Earth’s orbit.

What is the largest gap between planets?

The large gap between Mars and Jupiter is where the outer solar system begins. Jupiter is 483.4 million miles from the sun, which means that it’s 341.9 million miles from Mars, its closest neighbor. Next in line is Saturn, with its average distance of 886.7 million miles from the sun.

Which is the coldest of all the planets?

The seventh planet from the sun, Uranus has the coldest atmosphere of any of the planets in the solar system, even though it is not the most distant.

What planets are closest to the Sun?

In our solar system, there are four terrestrial planets, which also happen to be the four closest to the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

How far is each planet from the Sun?

Planet (or Dwarf Planet) Distance from the Sun (Astronomical Units miles km) Mass (kg) Mercury 0.39 AU, 36 million miles 57.9 million km 3.3 x 1023 Venus 0.723 AU 67.2 million miles 108.2 million km 4.87 x 1024 Earth 1 AU 93 million miles 149.6 million km 5.98 x 1024 Mars 1.524 AU 141.6 million miles 227.9 million km 6.42 x 1023

What is the distance of all planets from the Sun in kilometers?

Explanation: The distances of all the planets from the Sun in scientific notation and exponential form- Mercury- 57 million kilometers. Scientific notation- 5.7⋅107 km Venus – 108 million kilometers. Scientific notation- 1.08⋅108 km.

What are all planets’ distance from the Sun?

How Far Are The Planets From The Sun? Mercury: Closest: 46 million km / 29 million miles (.307 AU) Farthest: 70 million km / 43 million miles (.466 AU) Average: 57 million km / 35 million Venus: Closest: 107 million km / 66 million miles (.718 AU) Farthest: 109 million km / 68 million miles