Common questions

How long does it take to train for a half marathon?

How long does it take to train for a half marathon?

Most runners, including rookies, should take around 12 weeks – or 3 months – of training to get half marathon ready.

Is it worth it to run a half-marathon?

You get to experience all the emotions and logistics in advance, allowing you to be more relaxed and comfortable on marathon race day. Half marathon races can also serve as a way to keep long runs from feeling too monotonous, especially if you primarily train by yourself.

Is running a half-marathon a big deal?

Despite the half marathon’s ever growing popularity and accessibility, finishing one is still a big deal for any runner—because it’s nearly impossible to fake it for 13.1 miles. You’ve got to train diligently and have the discipline to execute your race day plan.

Racing a half-marathon requires endurance and stamina. This 10-week program gives you both. You’ll arrive at race day mentally and physically ready for the race. A subscription includes access to training plans from expert coaches to help you achieve your running and riding goals.

Do you need fueling for a half marathon?

Checkout the new Virtual Run Club for just $11.99 month. Fueling for the half marathon is different than the 10K and different than 26.2. You can get away with little to no fueling in training for a 10K and may NOT need quite as much as you think during the run for a half marathon.

What’s the difference between a 10K and half marathon?

Fueling for the half marathon is different than the 10K and different than 26.2. You can get away with little to no fueling in training for a 10K and may NOT need quite as much as you think during the run for a half marathon. It turns out that many runners are overfueling, which leads to runners trots.

How to warm up for a half marathon?

Dynamic warm-up: activities like skipping, lateral shuffles, high knee exercises and butt kicks can all be effective at warming up muscles through a range of movement. Spend at least 5 minutes before each run doing these. Cooldown: Spend at least 5 minutes after your running session jogging slowly, then walking.