Common questions

How much do the top 1% of Australians earn?


How much do the top 1% of Australians earn?

We can get an idea of how lonely it is at the top by examining the top 1 per cent, those Australians with a taxable income of greater than $350,134. There aren’t many of them, just 110,613 — 82,258 men and 28,355 women.

How much do the top 5% earn in Australia?

While the average household earns just over $116,000 per annum, the top 1 in 5 earn more than twice this (exceeding $280,000) and the bottom 1 in 5 take home around one-fifth of the average (a little over $24,000).

What kind of people earn the most money Australia?

Top 16 Highest Paying Jobs for Australians

  • Anaesthetists. Average salary: $192,816 (
  • Finance Director. Average salary: $166,068 (
  • General Surgeon.
  • Chief Executive Officer.
  • Senior Information Technology (IT) Project Manager.
  • Director of Operations.
  • Python Developer.
  • Psychiatrist.

What income is considered rich in Australia?

Wealthy Individuals within Australia are generally deemed to be those with net investible assets (NIA) over $1M (or net of over $2.5M including the family home) and earning more than $250,000 per annum. Having said this, the ATO categorise ‘Wealthy Individuals’ as those who control a net wealth of $5M or more.

Is 80 000 a good salary in Australia?

Most Australians earn less than the average hourly wage, and many employees only work part-time. So a taxpayer with an income of $80,000 a year is therefore in the top 20 per cent of Australians.

What is middle class income in Australia?

Where’s the middle of the income distribution? According to the ATO, if you earned between $59,538 and $60,432 you’re right in the middle.

What is a middle class income in Australia?

What is a good annual salary in Australia?

The average salary in Australia is now just over $60,000, new data from the Australian Tax Office has revealed. Data from the 2018-2019 financial year shows that the average salary for Australians who submitted tax returns was $63,085, up by $1634 from the year prior.

What is decent salary Australia?