
How often is the IMDG Code revised?


How often is the IMDG Code revised?

The IMDG Code is updated every two years in a standard amendment cycle. This is what that cycle should have looked like if 2020 was a normal year: In the 4th quarter of an even-number year a new edition of the Code is published incorporating amendments added by IMO.

How many years can IMDG Code be updated?

It is good enough for learning purpose. It should be noted that the IMDG code is updated every 2 years to be aligned with the UN Model Regulations.

What are the three parts volumes of the IMDG Code?

The IMDG Code is divided into two volumes : Volume 1 containing sections on general provisions, definitions and training; classification; packing and tank provisions; consignment procedures; construction and testing of packagings, IBCs, large packagings, portable tanks, MEGCs and road tank vehicles and transport …

What is the importance IMDG Code?

The objective of the IMDG Code is to enhance the safe transport of dangerous goods while facilitating the free unrestricted movement of such goods. The IMDG Code contains details of all the numerous dangerous cargoes offered for carriage by sea and includes solid, liquid and gaseous substances.

Does IMDG Code apply to tankers?

The International Maritime Dangerous Goods or IMDG Code was adopted in 1965 as per the SOLAS (Safety for Life at Sea) Convention of 1960 under the IMO. The dangerous goods code is a uniform code. This means that the code is applicable to all cargo-carrying ships around the world.

Is IMDG Code mandatory?

The Code, was initially adopted in 1965 as a recommendatory instrument. It was in 2002 that the general Assembly at its seventeenth session adopted by resolution A. 716(17) the IMDG Code, and decides to give it a mandatory status under the umbrella of SOLAS Convention, from 1 January 2004.

What is Part 7 of IMDG Code?

Part 7 of IMDG Code 36th amendment , especially chapters 7.1 and 7.2, is extensively rearranged so as to make the stowage and segregation provisions more user friendly while referring. The main changes are made by re arranging otherwise scattered provisions in an orderly sequence.

How many classes are in IMDG Code?

9 classes
The 9 classes of dangerous goods are determined by the danger they present. Here we explain the 9 classes and provide examples. Dangerous goods are materials or items with physical and chemical properties which, if not properly controlled, present a potential hazard to human health and safety and/or infrastructure.

What are the 3 purposes of the IMDG Code classification?

To regulate the transport by sea of dangerous goods to reasonably prevent injury to person or damage to the ship. To regulate transport by sea of marine pollutant to prevent harm to the marine environment.

Which IMDG Code deals with stowage?

The 2012 Edition (incorporating Amendment 36–12) of the IMDG Code introduced a Part 7 that has been completely reorganised according to job function. Chapters 7.1 and 7.2 contain general stowage and segregation rules.

What is IMDG Code classification?

IMDG cargo is usually classified into: Class 1: Explosives. Class 2.1: Flammable Gases. Class 4.1: Flammable solids. Class 4.2: Spontaneously combustible Substances.

When does the new IMDG code come into force?

IMDG Code The IMDG Code, 2020 Edition (inc. Amendment 40-20) comes into force on 1 June 2022 and may be applied voluntarily as from 1 January 2021. The IMDG Code, 2018 Edition (inc. Amendment 39-18) came into force on 1 January 2020 for two years and may be applied voluntarily as from 1 January 2019.

Is the IMDG Code Amendment 38-16 still valid?

The 38-16 amendments have been incorporated into the 2016 edition of the IMDG Code which has recently been published by the IMO. The 2014 Supplement to the Code has not been updated and remains valid. Ship owners and operators of ships intending to carry packaged dangerous goods cargoes are advised to be guided by above.

When did the IMDG code become a mandatory instrument?

The Code, was initially adopted in 1965 as a recommendatory instrument. It was in 2002 that the general Assembly at its seventeenth session adopted by resolution A.716 (17) the IMDG Code, and decides to give it a mandatory status under the umbrella of SOLAS Convention, from 1 January 2004. However, some parts of the Code remain recommendatory.

What is the IMDG code for International Maritime Organization?

IMDG Code Title Date IMDG Code Amendment Cycle – 2017 – 2026 20/05/2021 Flyer: IMDG Code, 2020 Edition (Incl. Am 25/02/2021 Flyer: IMDG Code, 2018 Edition (inc. Amd 21/09/2020