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Is a pulse rate of 59 dangerous?


Is a pulse rate of 59 dangerous?

You should visit your doctor if your heart rate is consistently above 100 beats per minute or below 60 beats per minute (and you’re not an athlete), and/or you are also experiencing: shortness of breath.

Why is my pulse so low?

In people who are not physically active, a resting heart rate below 60 is sometimes a sign of an electrical problem with the heart, a low thyroid level (hypothyroidism), or damage from a heart attack or heart disease.

Why is my resting heart rate so low?

It means that the heart’s natural pacemaker isn’t working right or that the electrical pathways of the heart are disrupted. Sometimes, the heart beats so slowly that it doesn’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. This can cause symptoms, such as feeling dizzy or weak. In some cases, it can be life-threatening.

When is a pulse rate too low?

Bradycardia is a heart rate that’s too slow. What’s considered too slow can depend on your age and physical condition. Elderly people, for example, are more prone to bradycardia. In general, for adults, a resting heart rate of fewer than 60 beats per minute (BPM) qualifies as bradycardia.

Should I go to ER for low pulse?

A person should speak to a doctor if they notice their heart rate is slow. When a baby has a low pulse, a parent or carer should take them to the emergency room. Adults and children who have a low pulse and experience severe symptoms, such as chest pain or fainting, should also go to the hospital.

When should you go to the ER for low heart rate?

When to see a doctor See your doctor if you or your child has symptoms of bradycardia. If you faint, have difficulty breathing or have chest pain lasting more than a few minutes, get emergency care or call 911 or your local emergency number. Seek emergency care for anyone with these symptoms.

When should I go to the hospital for a slow heart rate?

Adults and children who have a low pulse and experience severe symptoms, such as chest pain or fainting, should also go to the hospital. A person should see a doctor for bradycardia when: they experience an unexplained change in heart rate that lasts for several days.

Is 58 a good heart rate?

Resting heart rate of 58 is good. General resting heart rate is 60 to 100. Many factors contribute to slower heart rate…life style,food habits ,. Exercise, medication and some times a medical condition called sinus bradychardia.

Is 50 or below a bad pulse rate?

A heart rate below 60 bpm for adults is a condition called bradycardia and is usually abnormal. However, in the case of well-trained athletes a 50 pulse may be normal as heart rates as low as 40 bpm are considered regular for those in top physical condition. 1

What would pulse rate be considered dangerously low?

A pulse rate below 50 beats per minute, however, can cause serious symptoms, such as dizziness, fatigue, weakness, and even fainting. You may also experience difficulty breathing. If you experience symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, or weakness, your pulse rate may be below normal. You should seek medical attention right away.

Is 59 bpm a decent resting heart rate for me?

A resting heart rate of 59 beats per minute (or 9.8 beats every 10 seconds) is slower than the 60 to 100 bpm range considered normal for adults. A heart rate below 60 bpm for adults is a condition called Bradycardia Heart rate slower than 60 beats per minute. and is usually abnormal.