Useful Tips

Is an Enterocele a hernia?


Is an Enterocele a hernia?

AN enterocele is a posterior vaginal hernia. This hernia in the truest sense is not a prolapse of the posterior cul-de-sac, either primary or following a vaginal, a subtotal or a total hysterectomy.

What is Moschcowitz repair?

The goal of the Moschcowitz procedure is to fix and suture the strong connective tissue that normally supports the uterus to the top of the vagina, thus preventing it from “falling out.” At the same time, the pouch between the rectum and the vagina is reduced with a purse-string type suture.

What is an Enterocele?

An enterocele (en-tuh-roh-seal), also called small bowel prolapse, occurs when the small intestine moves down and pushes at the top part of the vagina. This creates a bulge (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Female anatomy with and without a enterocele. An enterocele happens when the roof of your vagina weakens.

What is vaginal cuff suspension?

A surgical procedure is presented which suspends the vaginal cuff to shortened cardinal and uterosacral ligaments, corrects any laxity of the fascias, and restores the striated perineal muscle support.

How do you fix a Enterocele?

Surgery. A surgeon can perform surgery to repair the prolapse through the vagina or abdomen, with or without robotic assistance. During the procedure, your surgeon moves the prolapsed small bowel back into place and tightens the connective tissue of your pelvic floor.

What is Sacrospinous ligament fixation?

Sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSLF) is a commonly used transvaginal procedure used to correct apical pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The technique utilizes the sacrospinous ligaments to suspend the vagina in patients who have uterovaginal prolapse or apical vaginal prolapse after hysterectomy.

What is a posterior Colpoperineorrhaphy?

Surgical repair of a rectocele is known as posterior repair or posterior colpoperineorrhaphy. The rectocele will have to be repaired via the vagina. The procedure is similar to a repair of anterior vaginal wall prolapse.

What are the signs and symptoms of Enterocele?


  • A pulling sensation in your pelvis that eases when you lie down.
  • A feeling of pelvic fullness, pressure or pain.
  • Low back pain that eases when you lie down.
  • A soft bulge of tissue in your vagina.
  • Vaginal discomfort and painful intercourse (dyspareunia)