
Is PAT testing a legal requirement in UK?


Is PAT testing a legal requirement in UK?

Is PAT testing a legal requirement? PAT testing is not, in itself, a legal requirement or obligation. However, current UK legislation states that businesses must maintain electrical equipment in a safe condition. They also have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of employees and the public.

How often does PAT testing need to be done UK?

PAT testing does not have specific frequency requirements and instead it is recommended based on factors including the location, frequency, and type of equipment. Portable equipment such as extension leads within Offices, Hotels, and Shops should be tested every 24 months.

How often does a pat test need to be done?

every 2 years
A general rule of thumb is that PAT testing should, at a minimum, be carried out every 2 years. But this is a general indication, and certain factors should be considered to determine the frequency of testing for your circumstances. These include: Location of the equipment.

Who can do PAT testing UK?

As long as you’re deemed competent to do so, absolutely anyone can check electrical appliances for safety. The most commonly accepted way to be deemed competent is to take a PAT training course and be presented with a Certificate of Competency in PAT testing.

Do you have to PAT test every year?

There is no need perform a PAT test annually, but it’s recommended to perform one regularly to ensure all electrical appliances are in good condition and are safe. PAT testing is also part of the 1974 Health and Safety Act.

Can I do a PAT test myself?

You can PAT test without a qualification. Guidance say you have to be competent to test electrical equipment, not that you have to be qualified. The Portable Appliance Testing Trade Association say that you should undergo thorough training by a competent person in order to become competent yourself.

Can you do PAT Testing yourself?

Who is responsible for PAT testing in UK?

UK PAT Testing is a detailed, specialised process that ensures that electrical appliances fully comply with UK Health and Safety at Work standards. If you own, are a tenant or an agent of a commercial property, you may be responsible for managing any asbestos that’s on the property.

Why do you need a PAT test certificate?

A PAT test can also aid in reducing insurance premiums, by acting as a risk assessment aid making it well worth keeping on top of. UK Safety Management takes pride in our excellent customer service.

What can a Pat tester do for your business?

It is the legal responsibility of a business owner to ensure electrical safety within their business, a PAT tester will test equipment for many potential faults including insulation resistance, earth continuity, and lead polarity.

What do you need to know about HSE Pat?

HSE provides guidance on how to maintain equipment including the use of PAT. Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment.