
Is placentitis a disease?


Is placentitis a disease?

Placentitis: A Tricky Disease With Few Warning Signs.

Can a foal survive placentitis?

Placentitis is devastating to discover in the last three to four months of gestation. Usually, the foals are born prematurely and do not survive. But if diagnosed early in the infection stage and treated appropriately, the chance of the foal surviving to lead a healthy life is greatly increased.

Why does my pregnant mare have discharge?

There should be no vaginal discharge in a pregnant mare until the first stage of labor, at which time a reddish discharge is expected. True vaginal discharge that originates in the uterus is either a sign of impending foaling or a problem with the pregnancy (infection) and impending abortion.

How early does a mare bag up?

around 6 weeks
Bagging up can occur anywhere from around 6 weeks prior to foaling to just days before foaling, but it is a good time to begin watching the mare. They will also form a wax-like substance on the ends of their teats, called “waxing up”, within a few days of when they will foal.

What causes placentitis?

A major cause of placentitis is due to bacterial or fungal infection that enters via the vagina and breaches the cervical barrier, a process known as ascending placentitis. Aspiration of air and faeces into the vagina can occur in mares with poor conformation or injury to the cervix or vulvar opening .

What is Nocardioform placentitis?

Nocardioform placentitis is an equine placental disease affecting pregnant mares and their foals during pregnancy.

Do mares have a mucus plug?

Vulva: Within one to three days of foaling, the mare’s vulva will elongate. You may also see some grayish or slightly blood-tinged material on the vulva, which is the mucus plug, a collection of thick mucus that seals off the cervix during pregnancy and is lost close to foaling.

Do mares have discharge when in heat?

Mares in heat (estrus) often have a clear or mucous discharge. Reddish discharge in a mare that recently foaled or aborted is considered normal for at least 7 days post-foaling. However, a post-foaling mare should always be bright and have a good appetite.

How can I tell if my mare is pregnant?

A transrectal ultrasound of your mares uterus will give you the most information earliest in the pregnancy regarding if she is pregnant, how many days approximately is she in foal, and if there are any problems with the pregnancy. A blood test performed by your veterinarian can also determine if your mare is pregnant.

What causes placentitis in mares?