
Should I turn off my water feature in winter?


Should I turn off my water feature in winter?

But the safest thing to do in our climate is to leave your water feature running all year round. If your water is flowing unobstructed you should have no problem with water freezing and harming your pump or plumbing.

Can I put antifreeze in my water feature?

Antifreeze is a method often touted to help fountains survive the winter, but in fact, you should avoid it when trying to winterize a water feature. While this technically works, it isn’t recommended because antifreeze and other additives like it are usually incredibly toxic.

Can you run a waterfall in the winter?

If you live where temps are mild, you can leave it running. You just need to add water to the basin as you will still have evaporation. Some people choose to run the waterfalls in the entire winter. Some caution must be taken with ponds that have long and slow-moving streams.

Should I leave my pond pump on in the winter?

Should I Leave My Pond Pump Running In Winter? In short, yes. Many guides will recommend that you completely shut down your pond pump over the winter to prevent the water from becoming super chilled; however, this isn’t necessary for our climate.

Can I put salt in my water feature?

No matter what kind of fountain you have, using saltwater in it is not a bad idea and can even keep your fountain cleaner than using freshwater. Use saltwater in your fountain.

Should I turn off pond pump in winter?

How do I keep my outdoor fountain from freezing?

Dry out the fountain with some towels and clean as needed. Then, cover the fountain with tarp or dry burlap sacks and secure the covering with rope or bungee cords. Covering it will prevent water, ice and snow accumulation.

Should I turn off pond waterfall in winter?

The freezing point for water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have no aquatic life in your pond, it is safer to have the pump off when temperatures fall below freezing so you can avoid damage to the pump. You may even want to empty your pond of water as this can prevent damage from ice buildup.

What do you need to know to winterize your water feature?

If your pond has been designed with your local climate in mind it should be deep enough that it can continue working, with the pump on, all winter long without freezing. Here is a chart that shows the depth that a pond needs to be to avoid freezing, based on how cold the winter temperatures get in your area:

Why are water features important in the winter?

Water features are wonderful—they provide interesting color and texture, a place for beneficial wildlife to cool off and have a drink, and the sound of running water is soothing to listen to. It’s important to take proper care of your water feature, especially as winter comes on.

When to put a water feature to bed?

When you are ready to put your water feature to bed for the winter, remove debris and any dead plants. If there is a lot of plant material in the bottom of your pond, you can vacuum or rake it out. If your water garden has a pump, make sure that you clean it before winter.

What do I need to winterize my Water Garden?

If your water garden has a pump, make sure that you clean it before winter. To do this, begin by soaking the pump in a mixture of vinegar and water. After a few hours, take the pump out of the mixture and pump clean water through it until it runs clear.