Common questions

What are buzzwords examples?


What are buzzwords examples?

Buzzwords often originate in jargon, acronyms, or neologisms. Examples of overworked business buzzwords include synergy, vertical, dynamic, cyber and strategy. A common buzzword phrase is “think outside the box”.

What are other ways to say good job?

Ways to Say GOOD JOB in EnglishAll Right!Exactly right.Excellent!Exceptional.Fabulous!Fantastic!Sensational!Wonderful!

What can I say instead of good for you?

40 Ways to Say “Good for You!”That’s really nice.Wow! That’s great!I like the way you’re working.Keep up the good work.That’s quite an improvement.Much better.Keep it up.What neat work!

How do you say good in a fancy way?

goodadj.pleasant, fine.adj.moral, virtuous.adj.competent, skilled.adj.useful, adequate.adj.reliable; untainted.adj.kind, giving.adj.authentic, real.adj.well-behaved.

What can I say instead of sweet?

Synonyms fordelicious.luscious.sweetened.syrupy.cloying.honeyed.saccharine.toothsome.

What is another way to say nice picture?

nice photo / synonymsnice picture. phr.good picture. phr.beautiful picture. phr.great picture. phr.good photo. phr.pretty picture. phr.great shot. phr.great photo. phr.

How do you say someone looks good in a picture?

If you want to say that someone looks good in a particular photo, say it just like that: You look really good in that photo. Alternatively, you might concentrate on a particularly nice feature of the person: You have such a lovely smile in that photo.

What should I comment on a girl pic in one word?

Unique & Creative comments that Girls LikeYour true colors are beautiful.You’ve got a beautiful heart.Inside out; you are beautiful.You take my breath away.I love how expressive your eyes are.Your beauty is one of the things I like about you.Honestly, you are beautiful.You’re helping us sound lovely.

How do you give good comments?

75 Compliments to Use When You Want to Say Something Nice1 Your positivity is infectious.2 You should be so proud of yourself.3 You’re amazing!4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.5 You’re an incredible friend.6 I really appreciate everything that you do.7 You inspire me to be a better person.

How do you tell a girl she’s beautiful?

Say, “You’re beautiful,” or “You are exquisite.” Try picking out one particular quality to compliment her on: say, “You have the most gorgeous eyes,” or “Your smile is radiant.” Don’t be afraid to get creative and tap into your feelings, and make sure that you mean it.

How can I praise a girl?

Great Compliments For GirlsYou are gorgeous.You are lovely.You do not need makeup. You are already so naturally beautiful.You are adorable.You are really cute.You are adorable.You look mesmerizing.You look prettier than a picture.