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What are some examples of gender inequality in Pakistan?


What are some examples of gender inequality in Pakistan?

Pakistani women are more than half of the total population, but women are treated inhumanly within their homes by their husbands or dominant males through different ways like Domestic Violence, Sawara, Vani, Karo Kari, Honour Killing, Acid Throwing, Forced Marriages etc.

What are the major gender issues in Pakistan?

Women suffer from pervasive gender-based violence, from domestic abuse, honour killings, sexual violence to institutional discrimination. There is a widespread lack of consistent access to quality family planning services in Pakistan, resulting in one of the highest unmet needs in Asia.

What type of discrimination are most common in Pakistan?

While wage and job discrimination are the most common forms of sex discrimination in Europe and North America, in Pakistan sex discrimination revolves around the divergence between the myth that women do not work and the reality that women’s labor force participation is high.

Does Pakistan have gender inequality?

The Gender Development Index value for Pakistan is 0.750 which places it amongst the lowest in the South Asian region. Pakistan’s Gender Inequality Index rank is 133 out of 160 countries, as of 2017.

What are the reasons for gender inequality?

The main factors responsible for gender inequality in India are or have been a) late and incomplete convergence of capabilities where women and men have to be on equal footing as to education, health, and nutrition domains, b) a predisposition to prefer sons, family members engrossed in economic, religious, social and …

What are social issues in Pakistan?


  • Freedom of Expression, Attacks on Civil Society Groups.
  • Freedom of Religion and Belief.
  • Abuses against Women and Girls.
  • Children’s Rights.
  • Attacks on the Political Opposition.
  • Terrorism, Counterterrorism and Law Enforcement Abuses.
  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
  • Disability Rights.

What are main gender issues?

Gender issues include all aspects and concerns related to women’s and men’s lives and situation in society, to the way they interrelate, their differences in access to and use of resources, their activities, and how they react to changes, interventions and policies.