
What are some good science experiments for first grade?


What are some good science experiments for first grade?

No doubt your first grade science students have already encountered static electricity by rubbing a balloon on their hair. This experiment takes things a step further, letting kids explore which objects an electrically-charged balloon can pick up and which it can’t. 6. Melt crayons to explore solids and liquids

How to teach the properties of matter to first graders?

As a center activity have three small boxes available, diaper wipe rectangular boxes work well. Label them solid, liquid or gas. Provide pictures from magazines you have prepared ahead of time or clipart of examples of solids, liquids or gases. The students sort the pictures.

What are some science experiments that kids can do?

15 States of Matter Science Experiments for Kids. Oobleck Science. Sink or Float Experiment. Experiment with Solids, Liquids, and Polymers. Disappearing Egg Activity. Ice Melting Science. Dry Ice Experiment. Orange Soda Science Experiment. Lava Lamp Science.

How to teach the three states of matter?

The Three States of Matter for First Grade. First graders can learn about the properties of the three states of matter through song, total physical response, center activities and demonstrations.

What’s the best way to teach science to kids?

Kids love hands-on science, and it’s the way they learn best too. These experiments and projects will engage them, excite them, and educate them. And they’re simple enough for any teacher or parent to oversee! Take a look and choose some to try with your students. 1. Play with Play-Doh to learn why we have bones

What to do with a bird feeder in first grade?

Set young engineers loose with wood craft sticks, glue, and string to create a bird feeder. Then research the best seeds to fill them with, and hang them outside your classroom window to draw in some feathered friends. 19. Observe the birds at your feeder