
What are symptoms of a bruised cervix?


What are symptoms of a bruised cervix?

For some women, symptoms of a bruised cervix may include painful cramps that lead to sweating, nausea, and vomiting. Others feel only mild discomfort, like a dull, aching pain deep inside their body. If you have sexual intercourse, it will likely begin to hurt more.

Can a woman bruise her cervix?

A bruised cervix occurs when your cervix becomes sensitive and tender as a result of vigorous sex. It is a rare condition and generally doesn’t require treatment. If you’ve never heard of a bruised cervix, just know that it’s a sex injury that you really don’t want to have and likely won’t have.

How long does it take for a cervix to heal?

It usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks for your cervix to heal after this procedure.

What are the symptoms of a bruised cervix?

A bruised cervix may feel different depending on the degree of vaginal bruising that has occurred. It also depends on each person’s pain tolerance. For some women, symptoms of a bruised cervix may include painful cramps that lead to sweating, nausea, and vomiting. Others feel only mild discomfort, like a dull, aching pain deep inside their body.

Why does it hurt when I hit my cervix?

Hitting the cervix during intercourse can cause bruising, making it feel tender and sensitive. A bruised cervix typically occurs with deep penetration. For example, the risk of a bruised cervix usually increases if you’re in the doggy style position. Because the cervix is at the top of the vaginal canal, it’s unlikely for

How long does it take for a bruised cervix to heal?

As with other bumps and bruises, healing time can vary from person to person. Your pain will likely start to taper off within a day or two. Your symptoms should be completely resolved within a week. Avoid penetrative masturbation and sex until your symptoms have disappeared. Penetration can exacerbate your injury and prolong your healing time.

Can a sexual assault cause your cervix to be bruised?

At times, your cervix can become bruised during sexual assault or trauma. A particularly violent attack can result in bruising. If you or someone you know has experienced a sexual assault, make sure you consult with a doctor on the next steps. Your cervix is like a protective barrier for your uterus, monitoring what enters or exits the vagina.