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What are the 20 examples of collective nouns?


What are the 20 examples of collective nouns?

Here is most important 100 examples of collective nouns;

  • 1.a heap of rubbish. 2.a hedge of bushes.
  • 3.a library of books. outfit of clothes.
  • orchard of fruit trees. 6.a pack of cards.
  • 7.a packet of letters. 8.a pair of shoes.
  • 9.a quiver of arrows.
  • 11.a ream of paper.
  • 13.a set of clubs.
  • 15.a book of notes.

What is a collective noun sentence examples?

A collective noun is used to refer to an entire group of persons, animals or things; it therefore includes more than one member. For example, the collective noun family stands for parents and children. A pack contains many wolves. A flotilla is made up of several boats.

What are collective nouns 5 examples?

Common Collective Nouns Used for People A band of musicians. A board of directors. A choir of singers. A class of students. A crowd of people.

How do you use collective nouns in a sentence?

5 examples of collective nouns in sentences

  1. The chamber orchestra, which plays Mozart music, received high marks from the audience.
  2. Troupe of yellow howler monkeys are feeding.
  3. Jack seems to be a member of a gang.
  4. Britney has piles of money.
  5. She saw a flock of sheep.

How many types of collective nouns are there?

Collective nouns are nouns that describe a group, for example: class, family, herd, couple. These can also be called group nouns. There are about 200 collective nouns in English. When we use collective nouns, we often say “a group of ________,” such as a herd of cattle or a clump of grass.

What can the following collective nouns describe?

Collective nouns are nouns that describe a group, for example: class, family, herd, couple. When we use collective nouns, we often say “a group of ________,” such as a herd of cattle or a clump of grass. But many collective nouns can also stand alone; for example, “We moved the herd to the new field.”

How do you use collective nouns?

Nouns in the collective class can be used in either the singular or plural form, depending on the context of the sentence.

  1. Family is a collective noun because it refers to more than one person sharing a relationship.
  2. You can also use this collective noun in its plural form, families, to refer more than one family.

What is a group of something called?

A collective noun is a word that refers to a set or group of people, animals or things. Collective Nouns are sometimes called Group Nouns. Collective nouns are often followed by OF + PLURAL NOUN. e.g. a bunch of flowers, a flock of seagulls, a set of tools.

What are three examples of collective nouns?

A flock of sheep.

  • A herd of cattle.
  • A stud of horses.
  • A gaggle of geese.
  • A litter of cubs.
  • A flock of birds.
  • A shoal of fish.
  • A pack of wolves.
  • A swarm of bees.
  • Use of Collective Noun in the Sentence. Collective nouns are considered as the singular as they show one entity. For example: animals like to live in a herd. I come first in the class. The committee agrees to perform all the responsibilities at right time. Members of this group are very active.

    What are some examples of common nouns in sentences?

    Common Noun Examples in Sentences Teachers are the maker of a good nation. The dog is a pet animal. Birds are lovely. Porshe is the best car company. Tiger is a rare animal. There are many girls in the school. Sony produces the best mirrorless camera . I am going to a store to buy some books. Novel books are my favorite. Nurses are the most important part of the hospital.

    Is a bunch a collective noun?

    Collective Nouns are sometimes called Group Nouns. Collective nouns are often followed by OF + PLURAL NOUN e.g. a bunch of flowers, a flock of seagulls, a set of tools.